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Feasibility of eradicating the large white butterfly (Pieris brassicae) from New Zealand: data gathering to inform decisions about the feasibility of eradication
Island and Ocean Ecosystems, BRB
Available Online

Broome, K.


Brown, K.


Green, C.


Phillips, C.B.


Toft, R.


Walker, G.

Pieris brassicae, large white butter?y, was ?rst found in New Zealand in Nelson in May 2010. The Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) responded with a monitoring programme until November 2012 when the Department of Conservation (DOC) commenced an eradication programme. DOC was highly motivated to eradicate P. brassicae by the risk it posed to New Zealand endemic cress species, some of which are already nearly extinct. DOC eliminated the butter?y from Nelson in less than four years at a cost of ca. NZ$5 million. This is the ?rst time globally that a butter?y has been purposefully eradicated. Variation in estimates of bene?ts, costs, the e?cacy of detection and control tools, and the probability of eradication success all contributed to uncertainty about the feasibility. Cost bene?t analyses can contribute to assessing feasibility but are prone to inaccurate assumptions when data are limited, and other feasibility questions are equally important in considering the best course of action. Uncertainty does not equate to risk and reducing uncertainty through data gathering can inform feasibility and decision making while increasing the probability of eradication success.
Effort required to confirm eradication of an Argentine ant invasion: Tiritiri Matangi Island, New Zealand
Island and Ocean Ecosystems, BRB
Available Online

Green, C.

Tiritiri Matangi Island in the Hauraki Gulf, Auckland, New Zealand is a 220 ha restoration island managed by the Department of Conservation as an open sanctuary. Following eradication of the only mammalian predator, the Paci?c rat (Rattus exulans) in 1993, a variety of threatened birds, lizards and a giant invertebrate have been transferred to the island. In March 2000, Argentine ant (Linepithema humile) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) was discovered and delimiting surveys revealed a 10 ha infestation. Managers were concerned that the ant could have signi?cant negative impacts on invertebrates, birds and lizards. Early surveys con?rmed a dramatic decline in all other ant species within the infested area. In February 2001, an eradication programme commenced with paste baits (a.i. 0.01% ? pronil) spread manually in a 2 m × 3 m grid over the entire area. The second year employed a 1 m × 3 m spacing. A second incursion part way through the programme extended the area to 11 ha. The same toxic bait was used throughout the programme to kill residual colonies and a non-toxic version was used as a lure to intensively monitor progress. Eradication was declared in 2016. Critical parts of the programme included detection of post treatment survivors and the level of e?ort required to con?rm successful eradication. New treatment techniques were developed to kill the last small nests by placing toxic baits inside vials on the ground to prolong bait life. Such nests exhibited non-invasive behaviour, short foraging distances, and were prone to disturbance leading to foraging cessation. Bait densities and ?eld placement were critical to success. Sites with residual nests were deemed free of Argentine ant once there had been no detections over three consecutive years of ongoing monitoring. With few successful Argentine ant eradications in the world the techniques used here can inform and improve success rates for other ant eradication attempts.
Analysis of the secondary nest of the yellow-legged hornet found in the Balearic Islands reveals its high adaptability to Mediterranean isolated ecosystems
Island and Ocean Ecosystems, BRB
Available Online

Colomar, V.


Herrera, C.


Leza, M.M.


Marqués, A.

The yellow-legged hornet (Vespa velutina) was detected for the ?rst time in the north of Spain in 2010, but was not detected in Majorca, Balearic Islands until 2015 and only one secondary nest, with 10 combs, was found in the northwest of the island. During 2016, nine more nests were found in the same region. To better understand the biology of V. velutina in isolated conditions, the following objectives were proposed: (I) describe the architecture and structure of nests; (II) analyse the shape of combs and develop a new method to con?rm the circular pattern of breeding; (III) determine the colony size and (IV) determine the succession of workers and sexual individuals throughout the season. For these reasons, nests that were removed were frozen for at least 48 days until analysis. Our results show that this species has a high reproductive potential under isolated conditions. Results reveal that parameters such as weight, height, diameter, number of cells and total individual production are directly related. Moreover, each mature nest can produce up to 9,000 individuals and several hundred potential founder queens. All results inform formulation of an e?cient control or eradication programme in the Balearic Islands, as we are in the early stages of invasion and intervention is essential to eradicate V. velutina on Majorca Island.
The potential detrimental impact of the New Zealand flatworm to Scottish islands
Island and Ocean Ecosystems, BRB
Available Online

Boag, B.


Neilson, R.

The New Zealand ?atworm, Arthurdendyus triangulatus, is an alien invasive species in The British Isles and the Faroes. It was probably ?rst introduced after WWII and is an obligate predator of our native earthworms. It was initially considered a curiosity until observations in the 1990s in Northern Ireland found it could signi?cantly reduce earthworm numbers. In 1992, it was scheduled under the Countryside and Wildlife Act 1981 then transferred to the Wildlife and Natural Environment (Scotland) Act in 2011 which makes it an o?ence to knowingly distribute the ?atworm. A retrospective survey in Scotland showed that it was detected in botanic gardens, nurseries and garden centres in the 1960s but then spread to domestic gardens then ?nally to farms in the 1990s. Although the geographical distribution of A. triangulatus was initially con?ned to mainland Scotland it was subsequently found established on 30 Scottish Islands. Most of the islands are to the north and west of Scotland and have cool damp climates which are favoured by the New Zealand ?atworm. These islands also generally have relatively poor soils that support grassland farming systems. Evidence from both Northern Ireland and Scotland suggests anecic species of earthworm which occur predominantly in grassland, which help drainage and are a source of food for both animals and birds are at particular risk from the ?atworm. The detrimental impact of the ?atworm on soil processes and wildlife has yet to be quantitatively evaluated but unlike many other invasive species there is currently no known means of control. The precautionary principle must be therefore applied wherever possible and every opportunity taken to stop its further spread.