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Trialling gene drives to control invasive species: what, where and how?
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Alphey, L.


Campbell, K.


Edgington, M.


Harvey-Samuel, T.

The control of invasive species would be enhanced through the addition of novel, more effective and sustainable pest management methods. One control option yet to be trialled in the field is to deploy transgene-based ‘Gene Drives’: technologies which force the inheritance of a genetic construct through the gene pool of a wild population, suppressing it or replacing it with a less harmful form. There is considerable interest in applying gene drives to currently intractable invasives across a broad taxonomic range. However, not all species will make efficient or safe targets for these technologies. Additionally, the safety and efficacy of these systems will vary according to where they are deployed, the specific molecular design chosen, and how these factors interact with the ecology of the target pest. Given the transformative but also controversial nature of gene drives, it is imperative that their first field trials are able to successfully demonstrate that they can be used safely and efficiently. Here, we discuss how to maximise the probability of this outcome through considering three important questions: What types of invasive species should we use to trial gene drives? Where should we be trialling them? and How should these trials be conducted? In particular, we focus on the ecological, genetic and geographic features of small, isolated islands which make them ideal locations for these initial trials. A case study of an island invasive that is deemed highly appropriate for gene drive intervention, and for which gene drive development is currently underway (Mus musculus), is used to further explore these concepts
The impacts of introduced house mice on the breeding success of nesting seabirds on Gough Island
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Bond, Alexander L.


Caravaggi, Anthony


Cooper, John


Cuthber, Richard J.


Ryan, Peter G.

Invasive species are the main threat to island biodiversity; seabirds are particularly vulnerable and are one of the most threatened groups of birds. Gough Island, a UNESCO World Heritage Site in the South Atlantic Ocean, is an Important Bird and Biodiversity Area, and one of the most important seabird colonies globally. Invasive House Mice Mus musculus depredate eggs and chicks of most seabird species on the island, but the extent of their impact has not been quantified. We used field data and bootstrapped normal distributions to estimate breeding success and the number of surviving chicks for 10 seabird species on Gough Island, and compared estimates with those of analogous species from predator-free islands. We examined the effects of season and nest-site location on the breeding success of populations on Gough Island, predicting that the breeding success of Gough birds would be lower than that of analogues, particularly among small burrownesting species. We also predicted that winter-breeding species would exhibit lower breeding success than summer-breeding species, because mice have fewer alternative food sources in winter; and below-ground nesters would have lower breeding success than surface nesters, as below-ground species are smaller so their chicks are easier prey for mice. We did indeed find that seabirds on Gough Island had low breeding success compared with analogues, losing an estimated 1 739 000 (1 467 000–2 116 000) eggs/ chicks annually. Seven of the 10 focal species on Gough Island had particularly high chick mortality and may have been subject to intense mouse predation. Below-ground and winter breeders had lower breeding success than surface- and summer-breeders. MacGillivray’s Prion Pachyptila macgillivrayi, Atlantic Petrel Pterodroma incerta and Tristan Albatross Diomedea dabbenena are endemic or near-endemic to Gough Island and are likely to be driven to extinction if invasive mice are not removed.
Eradication of mice from Antipodes Island, New Zealand
Island and Ocean Ecosystems, BRB
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Elliott, G.


Greene, T.


Horn, S.

In winter 2016, the New Zealand Department of Conservation (DOC) eradicated mice (Mus musculus) from the Antipodes Islands located at 49°S 178°E, 760 km south-east of New Zealand’s South Island. Mice were the only mammalian pest species present. They have extensively impacted the abundance and survival of invertebrates, with likely secondary impacts on endemic terrestrial birds and nesting seabird fauna. Public-private partnerships with DOC instigated the project and provided essential financial support. Baseline scientific data for operational planning and outcome monitoring were collected by a research expedition in July 2013 and project planning began in 2014. At the time of writing, this is the largest eradication of mice undertaken where mice are the sole mammalian pest species. Logistical challenges were complicated by a broad range of regulatory obligations. The expedition-style project used a ship to deliver a team and equipment to Antipodes Island where they established camp and remained until the completion of baiting. Bait spread was completed incrementally as weather allowed, comprehensively covering the islands in two separate treatments between 18 June 2016 and 12 July 2016. The last sign of mice was detected 20 days after the fi rst application of bait and the eradication of mice was confirmed by monitoring in late summer 2018. Public engagement was achieved with regular operational updates across multiple platforms and positive media coverage. Non-toxic bait trials accurately predicted some by-kill of pipit (Anthus novaeseelandiae steindachneri) but did not anticipate poisoning of some Antipodes parakeet (Cyanoramphus unicolor) and Reischek’s parakeet (Cyanoramphus hochstetteri). Known pest-free islands were not baited, providing refuge for land birds to mitigate the risk. Fledging success of Antipodean albatross (Diomedea antipodensis antipodensis) chicks was not impacted by the operation and those species that were affected had recovered by summer 2018.
House mice on islands: management and lessons from New Zealand
Island and Ocean Ecosystems, BRB
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Broome, K.


Brown, D.


Brown, K.


Corson, P.


Cox, A.


Golding, C.


Griffiths, R.


Murphy, E.

The impacts of house mice (Mus musculus), one of four invasive rodent species in New Zealand, are only clearly revealed on islands and fenced sanctuaries without rats and other invasive predators which suppress mouse populations, influence their behaviour, and confound their impacts. When the sole invasive mammal on islands, mice can reach high densities and influence ecosystems in similar ways to rats. Eradicating mice from islands is not as difficult as previously thought, if best practice techniques developed and refined in New Zealand are applied in association with diligent planning and implementation. Adopting this best practice approach has resulted in successful eradication of mice from several islands in New Zealand and elsewhere including some of the largest ever targeted for mice; in multi-species eradications; and where mouse populations were still expanding after recent invasion. Prevention of mice reaching rodent-free islands remains an ongoing challenge as they are inveterate stowaways, potentially better swimmers than currently thought, and prolific breeders in predator-free habitat. However, emergent mouse populations can be detected with conventional surveillance tools and eradicated before becoming fully established if decisive action is taken early enough. The invasion and eventual eradication of mice on Maud Island provides a case study to illustrate New Zealand-based lessons around mouse biosecurity and eradication.
Simultaneous rat, mouse and rabbit eradication on Bense and Little Bense Islands, Falkland Islands
Island and Ocean Ecosystems, BRB
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Carey, P.W.

Bense and Little Bense Islands (144 ha total area) have, for over a century, supported populations of three introduced pest mammals: Norway rat (Rattus norvegicus), house mouse (Mus musculus), and European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus). An operation to eradicate these mammals simultaneously was undertaken in winter 2016. Cereal pellets laced with brodifacoum (25 ppm) were hand-broadcast on both islands in two applications with 3,900 kg of bait applied in total. Baiting transects were spaced at 20 m intervals and bait-throwing positions located every 20 m along each transect. The coastline was also baited at 20 m intervals. Precision bait coverage was aided by programming GPS units to give off an audible alarm when staff reached each correct bait-throwing position. Application 1 resulted in an average bait density of 15.3 kg/ha. Application 2 commenced 10 days later and resulted in an average baiting density of 11.7 kg/ha. Reduced availability of fi eld staff resulted in coverage in Application 2 being less complete than in Application 1 and only the most important mammal habitats were baited a second time. These were: all tussock areas, all coastlines, and some inland heath areas. Areas with no vegetation (e.g. burned zone on Bense) and some inland heath communities were not treated, although all of these retained unconsumed bait from Application 1. Some non-target mortality was recorded, with dolphin gulls (Larus scoresbii) being the most common victims. This was also the only species observed to consume bait pellets. Consumption of poisoned mammals or gulls may have killed three turkey vultures (Cathartes aura jota), one striated caracara (Phalcoboenus australis), and one short-eared owl (Asio flammeus). The removal of invasive species is part of a broader ecological restoration plan for these islands and will hopefully lead to an increase in native biodiversity, including the re-establishment of the endemic passerines Cobb’s wren (Troglodytes cobbi) and blackish cinclodes (Cinclodes antarcticus).
Island invasives: scaling up to meet the challenge. Proceedings of the international conference on island invasives 2017
Island and Ocean Ecosystems, BRB
Available Online

Godwin, J.


Heard, N.


Serr, M.

House mice are significant invasive pests, particularly on islands without native mammalian predators. As part of a multi-institutional project aimed at suppressing invasive mouse populations on islands, we aim to create heavily male-biased sex ratios with the goal of causing the populations to crash. Effective implementation of this approach will depend on engineered F1 wild-lab males being effective secondary invaders that can mate successfully. As a first step in assessing this possibility, we are characterising genetic and behavioural differences between Mus musculus strains in terms of mating and fecundity using wild house mice derived from an invasive population on the Farallon Islands (MmF), a laboratory strain C57BL/6/129 (tw2), and F1 wild-lab off spring. Mice with the ‘t allele’ (tw2) have a naturally occurring gene drive system. To assess fertility in F1 wild-lab crosses, tw2 males were paired with wild-derived females from the Farallon Islands (MmF). Results of these matings indicate litter sizes are comparable but that weaned pup and adult wild-lab mice are heavier in mass. Next, we initiated tests of male competitiveness using larger (3 m2) enclosures with enrichment. We introduced both an MmF and a tw2-bearing male to two MmF females to assess mating outcomes. Preliminary results of these experiments show none of the off spring carried the t-allele. However, performing the same experiment with F1 wild-lab males instead of a full lab background resulted in 70% of off spring carrying the tw2 allele. This indicates that F1 wild-lab males may be able to successfully compete and secondarily invade. It will be important in subsequent experiments to determine what characteristics contribute to secondary invasion success. More generally, a better understanding of characteristics contributing to overall success in increasingly complex and naturalistic environments will be critical in determining the potential of a gene drive-based eradication approach for invasive mice on islands.
South Africa works towards eradicating introduced house mice from sub-Antarctic Marion Island: the largest island yet attempted for mice
Island and Ocean Ecosystems, BRB
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Beaumont, J.


Chauke, L.F.


Chown, S. L.


Cooper, J.


Devanunthan, N.


Dilley, B.J.


Dopolo, M.


Fikizolo, L.


Heine, J.


Henderson, S.


Jacobs, C.A.


Johnson, F.


Kelly, J.


Makhado, A.B.


Marais, C.


Maroga, J.


Mayekiso, M.


McClelland, G.


Mphepya, J.


Muir, D.N. Ngcaba, N. Ngcobo, J.P. Parkes, F. Paulsen, S. Schoombie, K. Springer, C. Stringer,H. Valentine, R.M. Wanless and P.G. Ryan


Preston, G.R.

House mice (Mus musculus) were introduced to South Africa’s sub-Antarctic Marion Island, the larger of the two Prince Edward Islands, by sealers in the early 19th century. Over the last two centuries they have greatly reduced the abundance of native invertebrates. Domestic cats (Felis catus) taken to the island in 1948 to control mice at the South African weather station soon turned feral, killing large numbers of breeding seabirds. An eradication programme finally removed cats from the island by 1991, in what is still the largest island area cleared of cats at 290 km2. Removal of the cats, coupled with the warmer and drier climate on the island over the last half century, has seen increasing densities of mice accumulating each summer. As resources run out in late summer, the mice seek alternative food sources. Marion is home to globally important seabird populations and since the early 2000s mice have resorted to attacking seabird chicks. Since 2015 c. 5% of summer-breeding albatross fledglings have been killed each year, as well as some winter-breeding petrel and albatross chicks. As a Special Nature Reserve, the Prince Edward Islands are afforded the highest degree of protection under South African environmental legislation. A recent feasibility plan suggests that mice can be eradicated using aerial baiting. The South African Department of Environmental Affairs is planning to mount an eradication attempt in the winter of 2021, following a partnership with the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds to eradicate mice on Gough Island in the winter of 2020. The eradication programme on Marion Island will be spearheaded by the South African Working for Water programme – Africa’s biggest conservation programme focusing on the control of invasive species –which is already driving eradication projects against nine other invasive species on Marion Island.
Timing aerial baiting for rodent eradications on cool temperate islands: mice on Marion Island
Island and Ocean Ecosystems, BRB
Available Online

Parkes, J.P.

Aerial baiting from helicopters with a bait-sowing bucket and GPS to ensure coverage with anticoagulant toxins in cereal-based baits can reliably eradicate rodents on islands. Current best practice for temperate islands is to bait in winter when the rodents are not breeding, rodent numbers are lowest so competition for toxic baits is lowest, natural food is likely to be scarce, and many non-target species are absent from the island. However, short winter day lengths at high latitudes restrict the time helicopters can fly and poor weather in winter may increase risks of failure. This paper notes precedents from cool temperate islands where baiting was not conducted in winter and then uses the extensive data on mice on Marion Island to explore whether current recommendations for winter baiting based on breeding and natural food availability are important risk factors in determining time of year to bait. Marion Island mice do not breed between early May and late September, mouse densities reach a maximum in May and minimum in November, but the biomass of main natural food (invertebrates) does not fluctuate greatly over the year. This means the per capita food availability is least in autumn and increases through winter to most in spring and summer. The weight of the stomach contents of mice is also highest in winter. Based on this per capita food parameter, mice are likely to be most hungry between about March and May suggesting baiting would be more effective in this period (perhaps towards the end of it when breeding stops) than in the more traditional winter season.
A potential new tool for the toolbox: assessing gene drives for eradicating invasive rodent populations
Island and Ocean Ecosystems, BRB
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Brown, P.R.


Campbell, K.J.


Delborne, J.


Godwin, J.


Gould, F.


Howald, G.R.


Kanavy, D.M.


Kuiken, T.


Packard, H.


Piaggio, A.


Saah, J.R.


Serr, M.


Shiels, A.


Thomas, P.


Threadgill, D.


Tompkins, D.M.

Invasive rodents have significant negative impacts on island biodiversity. All but the smallest of rodent eradications currently rely on island-wide rodenticide applications. Although significant advances have been made in mitigating unintended impacts, rodent eradication on inhabited islands remains extremely challenging. Current tools restrict eradication efforts to fewer than 15% of islands with critically endangered or endangered species threatened by invasive rodents. The Genetic Biocontrol of Invasive Rodents partnership is an interdisciplinary collaboration to develop and evaluate gene drive technology for eradicating invasive rodent populations on islands. Technological approaches currently being investigated include the production of multiple strains of Mus musculus with a modified form of the native t-complex, or a CRISPR gene drive, carrying genes or mechanisms that determine sex. These systems have the potential to skew the sex ratio of off spring to approach 100% single-sex, which could result in population collapse. One goal proposed is to test the ability of constructs to spread and increase in frequency in M. musculus populations in biosecure, captive settings and undertake modelling to inform development and potential deployment of these systems. Structured ecologically-based risk assessments are proposed, along with social and cultural engagement to assess the acceptability of releasing a gene drive system. Work will be guided by an external ethics advisory board. Partners are from three countries with significant regulatory capacity (USA, Australia, New Zealand). Thus, we will seek data sharing agreements so that results from experiments may be used within all three countries and treat regulatory requirements as a minimum. Species-specific, scalable, and socially acceptable new eradication tools could produce substantial biodiversity benefits not possible with current technologies. Gene drive innovation may provide such a tool for invasive species management and be potentially transformative and worthy of exploring in an inclusive, responsible, and ethical manner.
Control of house mice preying on adult albatrosses at Midway Atoll National Wildlife Refuge
Island and Ocean Ecosystems, BRB
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Flanders, B.


Flint, E.N.


Howald, G.


Hunter, S.A.


Norwood, D.


Taylor, R.V.

Sand Island, Midway Atoll National Wildlife Refuge (MANWR), is home to 21% of all nesting black-footed albatross (Phoebastria nigripes) and 47% of all nesting Laysan albatross (P. immutabilis) worldwide. During the 2015–2016 nesting season predation and disturbance by non-native house mice (Mus musculus), here documented for the first time, resulted in 70 abandoned nests, 42 adult birds killed and 480 wounded. In the following nesting season the affected area increased, resulting in 242 dead adults, 1,218 injured birds and 994 abandoned nests. Mouse predation activities triggered a mouse control response to reduce mouse densities in the affected areas using multi-catch live traps, kill traps, and limited use of anticoagulant rodenticides in bait stations. In 2016–2017 we applied a pelleted cholecalciferol rodenticide, AGRID (Bell Laboratories, Madison, WI), at a rate of 20 kg/ha in all affected areas. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of using AGRID to reduce mouse density and rate of mouse attacks on nesting albatrosses on Sand Island. Mouse attacks decreased and mouse abundance was reduced following rodenticide applications in the plots treated in December but changes in attack rates in the plots treated in January were not detectable and mouse abundance increased subsequent to treatment. The plots in the December treatments were much larger than those used in January and rainfall rate increased after December. A minimum size of treatment area may be necessary to achieve a reduction in injury rates in albatrosses. No deleterious effects were observed in non-target organisms. The casualties resulting from mouse predation (mostly Laysan albatross) represent a small proportion of the 360,000 pairs nesting on Sand Island. However, the risk to adult breeding albatrosses representing such a large fraction of the global population prompted the United States Fish & Wildlife Service to prioritise mouse control efforts.