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Large scale eradication of non-native invasive American mink (Neovison vison) from Outer Hebrides of Scotland
Island and Ocean Ecosystems
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Maclennan, D.


Macleod, I.A.


Raynor, R.


Thompson, D.B.A.


Whitaker, S.

The Hebridean Mink Project was tasked with eradicating American mink (Neovison vison) from the Outer Hebrides, an extensive, complex island archipelago, amounting to 3,050 km2. Hundreds of islands contribute to a coastline of approximately 2,500 km, 15% of Scotland’s total. The geographical complexity continues inland with over 7,500 freshwater lochs, ~24% of Scotland’s total, which enables invasive American mink, in suitable habitats, to reach densities seldom encountered elsewhere. With major funding from the EU LIFE programme, removal from the Uists began in 2001. By 2006 eradication was declared there, as no captures had occurred for 16 months. In 2007 the project extended into Harris and Lewis, adopting a systematic network of live capture traps (7,039 spaced at 450–500 m intervals utilising prominent features of the riparian network and coastline). The traps were checked in rotation until at least a 95% reduction in population had been achieved. An incremental, strategic change from systematic trapping to detection; by means of footprint monitoring, cameras and dog searching, followed by responsive trapping then occurred from 2011 onwards. By 2013 a lethal monitoring system utilising ‘kill traps’ was employed alongside remote alert systems which allowed the project to remove the remaining population of mink from Lewis and Harris, with a reduced sta? resource, and increase the trap night total to in excess of 500,000. To date, 2,198 mink have been caught, but only two non-breeding females and associated males have been caught in Lewis and Harris in the last 18 months (no juveniles captured). The challenges of geographical scale, terrain, climatic conditions and a continuously reducing sta? complement have required an adaptive management approach to achieve the project goal of a mink-free Outer Hebrides that bene?ts ground nesting birds and migratory ?sheries. This is viewed as a highly e?ective eradication project, and lessons learnt can be put into place for other ambitious control programmes.
Ecological restoration of Socorro Island, Revillagigedo Archipelago, Mexico: the eradication of feral sheep and cats.
Island and Ocean Ecosystems
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Aguirre-Muñoz, A.


Benavides-Ríos, E.


Hall, S.


Méndez-Sánchez, F.


Nevins, H.


Ortega-Rubio, A.


Ortiz-Alcaraz, A.


Rojas-Mayoral, B.


Rojas-Mayoral, E.


Solís-Carlos, F.

Socorro Island is part of the Revillagigedo National Park, Mexico. At 132 km2, it is the Mexican island with the highest level of endemism. It provides habitat for 117 vascular plant species, 26% of which are endemic. There is also an endemic blue lizard (Urosaurus auriculatus) and eight endemic terrestrial birds. Socorro’s ecosystem had been heavily degraded by invasive mammals for the past 140 years. Feral sheep (Ovis aries) destroyed one third of the island’s habitat and feral cats (Felis catus) severely impacted the island’s avifauna and the Socorro blue lizard. Together, feral sheep and cats are responsible for the extinction in the wild of the Socorro dove (Zenaida graysoni) and the Socorro elf owl (Micrathene whitneyi graysoni) and have been a serious threat to other vulnerable species, particularly Townsend’s shearwater (Pu?nus auricularis). As such, the island’s restoration is a high priority. We conducted a feral sheep eradication from 2009 to 2012, using aerial and terrestrial methods, aided by Judas sheep and trained dogs, to kill 1,762 animals. The vegetation recovery has been remarkable, as well as the improvement of soil properties such as compaction, nitrogen, organic carbon, phosphorus, and calcium. In 2011, we initiated a feral cat control programme, which soon became an eradication project. The ongoing feral cat eradication has been a challenge, due to Socorro’s large size, vegetation and topographical complexity. By December 2016, 502 cats had been dispatched, using soft leg-hold traps equipped with telemetry transmitters and lethal traps: a total e? ort of 50,000 trap-nights. Cat abundance has decreased very signi?cantly and catch per unit of e? ort indicates that the eradication is nearing completion. The abundance of the Socorro blue lizard and terrestrial birds has already increased. We estimate completing the feral cat eradication by the end of 2017, when we will shift to a veri?cation of eradication phase.
Rat and lagomorph eradication on two large islands of central Mediterranean: differences in island morphology and consequences on methods, problems and targets
Island and Ocean Ecosystems, BRB
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Baccetti, N.


Capizzi, D.


Cencetti, T.


De Pietro, F.


Giannini, F.


Gotti, C.


Puppo, F.


Quilghini, E.


Raganella Pelliccion, E.


Sammuri, G.


Sposimo, P.


Trocchi, V.


Vagniluca, S.


Zanichelli, F.

Montecristo and Pianosa islands, although approximately equal in surface area (c. 1,000 ha), di?er greatly in substrate, human presence, vegetation and altitude (650 m vs. 30 m asl, respectively). The former island hosts one of the largest yelkouan shearwater (Pu?nus yelkouan) populations in Italy, the latter a depleted remnant of once numerous Scopoli’s shearwaters (Calonectris diomedea). Two consecutive EU-funded LIFE projects have been designed to protect these seabird populations. On Montecristo, rough and inaccessible, aerial delivery of toxic baits in January-February 2012 eradicated black rats (Rattus rattus) and feral rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) (originally a non-target species), with no permanent consequences on a local, ancient population of wild goats (Capra hircus). Eradication on Pianosa, currently underway (started January 2017), is being performed by ground baiting, delivered by 4,750 dispensers placed on a 50 m × 50 m grid throughout the island. The latter operation is included in a multi-species eradication aimed at several other target species, among which was the brown hare (Lepus europaeus), apparently introduced around 1840. Genetic analyses on the ?rst trapped hares showed that this was the last uncontaminated and viable population of L. europaeus subsp. meridiei in existence. Whether of natural origin or introduced, the commencement of eradication of this population has instead created the awareness of a taxon otherwise unavailable for conservation elsewhere. While both projects address the same conservation issues (protection of shearwater colonies and restoration of natural communities), they di?er greatly regarding economic cost, public perception, e? ort needed to maintain results in the long term and e?ects on non-target species. In the present paper, speci?c attention has been paid to the comparison between bait delivering techniques, results obtained, the array of problems originating from the complex regulatory framework and reactions by the general public.
Rhesus macaque eradication to restore the ecological integrity of Desecheo National Wildlife Refuge, Puerto Rico.
Island and Ocean Ecosystems
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Campbell, K.J.


DeNicola, A.J.


Hall, T.J.


Hanson, C.C.


Keitt, B.S.


Silander, S.

A non-native introduced population of rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) was targeted for removal from Desecheo Island (117 ha), Puerto Rico. Macaques were introduced in 1966 and contributed to several plant and animal extirpations. Since their release, three eradication campaigns were unsuccessful at removing the population; a fourth campaign that addressed potential causes for previous failures was declared successful in 2017. Key attributes that led to the success of this campaign included a robust partnership, adequate funding, and skilled ?eld sta? with a strong eradication ethic that followed a plan based on eradication theory. Furthermore, the incorporation of modern technology including strategic use of remote camera traps, monitoring of radio-collared Judas animals, night hunting with night vision and thermal ri?e scopes, and the use of high-power semi-automatic ? rearms made eradication feasible due to an increase in the probability of detection and likelihood of removal. Precision shooting and trapping were the primary methods used throughout the campaign. Long-term monitoring using camera traps and observed sign guided a management strategy that adapted over time in response to population density and structure. Lessons learnt include, 1) macaques quickly adjusted their behaviour in response to human presence and removal methods, 2) camera traps and thermal scopes provided high detection likelihood compared to other methods, and 3) the use of Judas animals and night hunting with thermal and night vision ri?e-scopes facilitated removals. The removal of macaques from Desecheo Island appears to be the ?rst introduced non-hominid primate eradication from an island.
Assessing the critical role that land crabs play in tropical island rodent eradications and ecological restoration
Island and Ocean Ecosystems
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Boudgelas, S.


Harper, G.A.


Russel, J.C.


Samaniego-Herrera, A.

Invasive rodent eradications are one of the most effective conservation interventions to restore island ecosystems. However, achievements in the tropics are lagging behind those in temperate regions. Land crab interference in bait uptake has been identified as one of the main causes of rodent eradication failure on tropical islands, but the issue of effective mitigation of bait loss due to land crab consumption is poorly understood. For example, there are over 100 species of land crab and each may behave differently. We reviewed the available literature to answer: (1) which crab species are the most problematic? (2) what mitigation measures have been effective? and (3) how do invasive rodents impact land crab communities? We analysed a systematic dataset from six tropical islands to test two hypotheses: (a) bait uptake is highest when burrowing (Brachyura) land crabs are present; and (b) small land crabs (including juveniles of the larger species) are highly vulnerable to rodent predation. We found that large species (e.g. genera Cardisoma, Johngarthia and Birgus) are the most problematic during rodent eradications. Effective mitigation measures to prevent bait loss include using higher bait application rates and conducting eradications during the driest months. Land crab communities tend to go through significant changes after rodent removal. From our analyses, we confirmed pre-eradication data are valuable for eradication planning, as seasonality and type of crab can influence outcomes. Post- eradication data confirmed small crab species (
Trail cameras are a key monitoring tool for determining target and non-target bait-take during rodent removal operations: evidence from Desecheo Island rat eradication
Island and Ocean Ecosystems
Available Online

Figuerola-Hernandez, C.


Samra, C.


Shiels, A.B.


Silander, S.


Swinnerton, K.J.


Will, D.


Witmer, G.W.

Efforts to remove invasive rodents (e.g. Rattus spp. and Mus musculus) from islands often use toxicant-laced baits containing the anticoagulants brodifacoum or diphacinone. Rodenticide baits are generally delivered through aerial- or hand-broadcast, or in bait stations. These baits are not rodent-species and are subject to non-target consumption or secondary exposure (e.g. an individual preying upon another individual that has consumed bait). During rodenticide applications, it is generally unknown which animals are visiting and consuming bait; and to quantify this, we recommend using trail cameras (e.g. Reconyx™ motion-activated infra-red) positioned to monitor individual bait pellets. To demonstrate the importance and effectiveness of using trail cameras during such operations, we report results of target (Rattus rattus, black rat) and non-target (native land crab, lizard, insect) bait-interactions after an aerial-broadcast of Brodifacoum-25D Conservation to eradicate rats from Desecheo Island, Puerto Rico. During the ?rst ?ve days following bait application, trail cameras (n = 15) revealed that there were 40 incidences of animals contacting bait pellets: 50% rat, 32% hermit crab, 13% Ameiva lizard, and 5% insect. Trail cameras provide temporal and spatial information regarding the e?ectiveness of rodent removal, and the last rat pictured by trail cameras on Desecheo was six days after bait application began. Trail cameras revealed 30 incidences of animals contacting bait pellets 6–20 days after bait application began: 47% hermit crab, 37% Ameiva lizard, 13% insect, and 3% black crab. Despite viewing ~69,000 images from trail cameras, lizards were never pictured consuming bait on Desecheo; therefore, any brodifacoum exposure to Desecheo lizards likely occurred via secondary pathways (e.g. consumption of contaminated insects). Scaling up, we estimate that > 75% of the total bait distributed on Desecheo was not consumed by rats. Trail cameras help inform the hazards of rodenticide use and can be easily incorporated into rodent removal operations.