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Planning conservation areas in Western Samoa: a case study
Available Online

Atherton, James

This thesis is a case study of a new initiative of environmental conservation currently being planned in Western Samoa. The initiative is based on what are termed "Conservation Area Projects' whose primary goal is to help rural people achieve sustainable development without degrading biological diversity. The research focuses on the first Conservation Area Project proposed for Western Samoa- the Sataoa- Saanapu Conservation Area and in particular the 75 ha Sataoa-Saanapu mangrove forest. This forest is one of Samoa's priority ecosystems requiring protection. Data on conservation area ecology, geography, sociology and economics are all presented. Threats to the conservation area are outlined and ways of dealing with them discussed. Survey results showed that the mangrove forest provides food, firewood, medicines, materials for house and boat construction, cultural handicrafts and opportunities for recreation. Both subsistence and cash needs are provided by the forest Although the forest is valued highly by local people and is still in relatively good condition, overharvesting of resources and the use of inappropriate and destructive harvesting techniques such as the use of dynamite and fish poisons are threatening the forest ecosystem. A decline in fish and crab catches appears to be occurring. Population growth and increasing commercialisation of the economy may further increase these threats in future unless they are dealt with soon. To deal with these threats it is recommended that more sustainable resource harvesting regimes be encouraged and new income generating opportunities such as aquaculture, ecotourism and agricultural diversification be developed. It is also recommended that local people be involved in every stage of the planning and later implementation of all conservation area management prescriptions.