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Status of birds and rodents on Niue following cyclone Heta in January 2004
Available Online

Butler, D.J.


Powlesland, D.J.


Westbrooke, I.M.

On 6 January 2004. cyclone Heta devastated much of the South Pacific island nation of Niue. Extensive damage was done to forest, particularly of the north- western sector, with many trees up-rooted and others stripped of branches and foliage. This report details our findings from a survey of Niue's birds and rodents during 3-19 September 2004 and compares these with results from a similar survey in September 1994. Five-minute bird count data, an index of conspicuousness, from three transects showed that heahea (Polynesian triller,Lalagc maculosa) were more abundant in 2004 than in 1994, but mid (Polynesian starling, Aplonis tabuensis), kulukulu (purple-crowned fruit dove. Ptilinopus porpbyraecus) and lupe (Pacific pigeon. Ducula pacifica) had declined. The 28-64% decline in the lupe population per transect w as probably primarily as a result of hunting, rather than mortality caused by cyclone Heta. Counts of birds seen per kilometre along three sections of road (lower, upper, inland) were also compared with September 1994 data. However, for various reasons we doubt that the results accurately reflect population numbers. The 212 kiu (Pacific golden plover. Pluvial is fulva) counted at sites accessible from main roads in September 2004 was similar to the 226 seen in September 1994. Rat trapping results (captures per 100 trap-nights) along the same three transects for December 1994 and September 2004 were not significantly different. Both kuma (Pacific rat. Rattus exulans) and ship rats (R. rattus) were trapped, but kuma were found only in regenerating scrub, whereas ship rats were present in both scrub and forest. Recommendations for future work are made mainly in relation to the long-term conservation of lupe, a toaga (treasured) species of Niueans.
Conservation of Kakerori (Pomarea dimidiata) in 2002/2003
Island and Ocean Ecosystems, BRB
Available Online

Robertson, Hugh A.


Saul, Edward K.

In 1989, the kakerori (Pomarea dimidiata) was one of the 10 rarest bird species in the world with a declining population of just 29 birds. During each breeding season since then, rats have been poisoned within the 155 ha of forested hill country they occupy in southeastern Rarotonga. As a result, the kakerori population has rebounded, with a minimum of 259 birds being found on Rarotonga in August 2002. In 2001 and 2002, 20 yearlings were transferred to Atiu in the first two of three planned annual transfers to establish an ‘insurance’ population. In January 2003, three pairs of kakerori were found on Atiu, and successful breeding was proven with the discovery of six island-bred (unbanded) birds, belonging to at least two of the pairs. In 2002/03, the emphasis of management in the Takitumu Conservation Area shifted from the ‘recovery’ of kakerori to a programme aimed at ‘sustaining’ the population at about 250 individuals. The key to this work was the experimental reduction of rat poisoning effort, so that 30 territories had the standard weekly refills of poison bait stations, 29 received a fortnightly refill, and 20 received no rat control. As expected, breeding success was significantly better in poisoned areas (with an average of 0.95 fledglings per breeding territory) than in unpoisoned areas (with an average of 0.30 fledglings per breeding territory). This reduced rat control programme took 2–3 person days each week for 15 weeks, and used a total of 43 kg of Talon® (active ingredient brodifacoum), which was about 20% of peak poison use during the ‘recovery’ phase of the programme. The fortnightly poisoning regime offers promise as an effective, cheaper and less toxin-intensive method than that used previously.