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Status of birds and rodents on Niue following cyclone Heta in January 2004
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Butler, D.J.


Powlesland, D.J.


Westbrooke, I.M.

On 6 January 2004. cyclone Heta devastated much of the South Pacific island nation of Niue. Extensive damage was done to forest, particularly of the north- western sector, with many trees up-rooted and others stripped of branches and foliage. This report details our findings from a survey of Niue's birds and rodents during 3-19 September 2004 and compares these with results from a similar survey in September 1994. Five-minute bird count data, an index of conspicuousness, from three transects showed that heahea (Polynesian triller,Lalagc maculosa) were more abundant in 2004 than in 1994, but mid (Polynesian starling, Aplonis tabuensis), kulukulu (purple-crowned fruit dove. Ptilinopus porpbyraecus) and lupe (Pacific pigeon. Ducula pacifica) had declined. The 28-64% decline in the lupe population per transect w as probably primarily as a result of hunting, rather than mortality caused by cyclone Heta. Counts of birds seen per kilometre along three sections of road (lower, upper, inland) were also compared with September 1994 data. However, for various reasons we doubt that the results accurately reflect population numbers. The 212 kiu (Pacific golden plover. Pluvial is fulva) counted at sites accessible from main roads in September 2004 was similar to the 226 seen in September 1994. Rat trapping results (captures per 100 trap-nights) along the same three transects for December 1994 and September 2004 were not significantly different. Both kuma (Pacific rat. Rattus exulans) and ship rats (R. rattus) were trapped, but kuma were found only in regenerating scrub, whereas ship rats were present in both scrub and forest. Recommendations for future work are made mainly in relation to the long-term conservation of lupe, a toaga (treasured) species of Niueans.
Rodent baits and delivery systems for island protection / Cheryl E. O'Connor and Charles T. Eason
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Eason, Charles T.


O'Connor, Cheryl E.

There are five toxicants (brodifacoum, bromadialone, coumatetralyl, diphacinone, and flocoumafen) registered for rodent control in New Zealand. They are all anticoagulants and are available in water-resistant bait formulations (i.e. wax coating, wax block, or egg). Several new rodenticide products, which are currently in the process of being developed or registered, including a new anticoagulant difethialone, have also been identified. There are no published data on the relative effectiveness, palatability, or durability of the existing rodenticides for field use under New Zealand conditions. However, relevant published information on laboratory and wild rodents is reviewed. It is concluded that the highest priority should be to assess the four weather resistant, second-generation anticoagulant products (Pestoff® Rodent block, Talon® 50WB, Contrac®, and Baraki®) for palatability, durability, and effectiveness for an island protection situation. Improvements could then be made to the existing products if required with additives to improve palatability or durability, lures to attract rodents, and repellents for non-target insect, lizard and bird species. Trials of an alternative (e.g. cholecalciferol) to the persistent anticoagulants should also be considered for island protection. The most rodent-attractive bait station which also eliminates bird access needs to be determined for the complete island protection system.