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Terminal evaluation of UN Environment project: Prevention, control and management on invasive alien species in the Pacific island.
Island and Ocean Ecosystems, BRB
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Thomas, Peter.

Invasive alien species represent an insidious and pervasive threat to the environmental, economic and human well-being of the Pacific islands. Pacific island ecosystems make up one of the world’s important biodiversity hotspots, with high numbers of endemic species that are particularly vulnerable to extinction due to their limited habitat and isolation.|This book is intended to serve as a practical guide, calling attention to the need to link emergencies, disasters and development, not only in policy statements, but in practical ways. The book identifies physical and social factors and processes determining disaster vulnerability and offers the reader a range of vulnerability-reduction options in development and disaster mitigation. The book covers the main relief and response technologies for a range of natural and technological disasters, and deals with community participation, health education, training and other social aspects relevant to the protection of health and the environment in emergencies and disasters.|The UNEP/GEF Prevention, Control and Management of Invasive Alien Species in the Pacific Islands project also known as the IAS project, commenced on 12 September 2012 and was due for completion on 30 September 2016, following an extension of one year. The project was designed to provide support to Pacific Island countries in their national efforts to implement the Guidelines for Invasive Species Management in the Pacific – a Pacific Strategy for managing pest, weeds and other invasive species (Tye 2009) which were developed and adopted as the regional strategic framework for invasive species management in 2009. Ten Pacific Island countries originally participated in the IAS project, these being the Cook Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Niue, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Tonga and Vanuatu. These were reduced to nine countries with the withdrawal of Papua New Guinea following the Mid-Term Review due to issues related to the country’s readiness to engage with the project. The project was therefore, responsible for delivering of support to a culturally, geographically and economic diverse set of Small Island Developing States (SIDS) spread across the vast geographical scope of the Pacific Ocean. The project was implemented by the UN Environment as the Implementing Agency (IA) and Executed by the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) as the Executing Agency (EA). In-country sub projects and activities were facilitated by National Project Coordinators and overseen by national Invasive Species Coordinating Committees. Its goal "to conserve ecosystems, species and genetic diversity in the Pacific region" is broad and aspirational and is backed by the Objective "to reduce the environmental economic and human health impacts of invasive alien species in both terrestrial and marine habitats in the Pacific region". The Project consisted of 5 core components: Building foundations for sustainable Invasive Alien Species (IAS) management by generating awareness and support, building institution and human capacity and strengthening legislation, policy and protocols. Defining problems, prioritisation and decision making by improving baseline information on IAS distribution and status, establishing systems to assess risk and prioritise action and developing or utilising effective management techniques. Taking management action through improved bio-security and border protection, direct management action through eradication and application of best practice methods and restoring ecosystems after IAS management. Undertaking effective monitoring and evaluation of the project.| Establishing effective and efficient project management and governance. This Terminal Project Evaluation is undertaken by the Evaluation Office of the UN Environment in order to assess the effectiveness of the project and its likely future impact on the state of IAS management in the region and its likely impact on invasive species and the environmental health of the participating countries. Further, the report aims to discern lessons and offers recommendations which may help improve the development and implementation of similar multi-country projects in the future both in the Pacific region and globally.
Potential impact of climate change on the distribution of six invasive alien plants in Nepal.
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Shrestha Uttam Babu

The biological invasions have been increasing at multiple spatial scales and the management of invasive alien species is becoming more challenging due to confounding effects of climate change on the distribution of those species. Identification of climatically suitable areas for invasive alien species and their range under future climate change scenarios areessentialfor long-term management planningofthesespecies. Using occurrence data of six of the most problematic invasive alien plants (IAPs) of Nepal (Ageratum houstonianum Mill., Chromolaenaodorata (L.) R.M. King & H. Rob., Hyptis suaveolens (L.) Poit., Lantana camara L., Mikania micrantha Kunth, and Parthenium hysterophorus L.), we have predicted their climatically suitable areas across the country under the current and two future climate change scenarios (RCP 4.5 scenarios for 2050 and 2070). We have developed an ensemble of eight different species distribution modelling approaches to predict the location of climatically suitable areas. Under the current climatic condition, P. hysterophorus had the highest suitable area (18% of the total country’s area) while it was the lowest for M. micrantha (12%). A predicted increase in the currently suitable areas ranges from 3% (M. micrantha) to 70% (A. houstonianum) with the mean value for all six species being 29% under the future climate change scenario for 2050. For four species (A. houstonianum, C. odorata, H.suaveolens and L. camara), additional areas at elevations higher than the current distribution will provide suitable habitat under the projected future climate. In conclusion, all six IAPs assessed are likely to invade additional areas in future due to climate change and these scenarios need to be considered while planning for IAPs management as well as climate change adaptation.
Will climate change impact the potential distribution of a native vine (Merremia peltata) which is behaving invasively in the Pacific region?
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Kumar, Lalit


Taylor, Subhashni

Merremia peltata is a species with uncertain status in the island nations of the Pacific region. It has been designated introduced and invasive in some countries whereas it is considered native in others. Recent increase in its abundance across some island landscapes have led to calls for its designation as an invasive species of environmental concern with biological control being suggested as a control strategy. Climate change will add to the complications of managing this species since changes in climate will influence its range limits. In this study, we develop a process-oriented niche model of M. peltata using CLIMEX to investigate the impacts of climate change on its potential distribution. Information on the climatic requirements of M. peltata and its current geographic distribution were used to calibrate the model. The results indicate that under current climate, 273,132 km2 of the land area in the region is climatically unsuitable or marginal for M. peltata whereas 664,524 km2 is suitable to highly suitable. Under current climate, areas of climatic suitability for M. peltata were identified on the archipelagos of Fiji, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands and Vanuatu. By the end of the century, some archipelagos like Fiji, Hawaii, New Caledonia and Vanuatu will probably become more suitable while PNG and Solomon Islands become less suitable for M. peltata. The results can be used to inform biosecurity planning, management and conservation strategies on islands.
Herbicidal control of bridal creeper (Asparagus asparagoides) in an ecologically sensitive environment

Jusaitis, Manfred

Asparagus asparagoides (bridal creeper) is a highly invasive noxious environmental weed in southern Australia. It poses a severe threat to biodiversity and conservation in temperate natural ecosystems. Pterostylis arenicola, a threatened terrestrial orchid endemic to South Australia, is directly imperilled by this weed in most of its remnant populations. The coincident growth phenologies of orchid and weed make for an ecologically sensitive environment when considering methods of weed control or eradication. To minimise impact on the orchid and its ecosystem, this paper examines the efficacy of herbicide application for A. asparagoides control using the weed wiping technique, comparing it to the conventional spray application method. The most prolonged control of A. asparagoides was achieved after a single wipe-application of 1.5 g a.i. (active ingredient) L 1 metsulfuron methyl, either alone or in combination with 120 g a.i.L 1 glyphosate, both treatments giving significantly better weed control five years after treatment than comparable spray applications. An investigation of the effect of glyphosate on cultures of the mycorrhizal fungus isolated from P. arenicola indicated a significant decline in mycelial growth with increasing herbicide concentration over the range 0.5–3.0 kg a.i. ha 1. These results provide further incentive for the use of ecologically sensitive herbicide application techniques, such as weed wiping, in areas of high conservation concern.