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Les EEE de Nouvelle-Calédonie dans les bases de données mondiales GRIIS et GISD
Available Online

Barrièrek, Patrick


Pagad, Shyama


Wong, Lian Jenna

The Global Register of Introduced and Invasive Species (GRIIS) presents validated and verified checklists (inventories) of introduced (alien) and invasive alien species at the country, territory, and associated island level. Phase 1 of the project focused on developing validated and verified checklists of countries that are Party to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). Phase 2 which is on-going, aims to achieve global coverage including non-party countries and all overseas territories of countries e.g. Netherlands, France and United Kingdom. Species belonging to all Kingdoms are covered as well as occurring in all Environment/systems. Country/ Territory/ Island checklists are reviewed and verified by networks of country or species experts. Verified checklists/ species records as well as those under review are presented on the online GRIIS website ( Individual species records are flagged with a ‘yes’ for verification. Only verified checklists/ species records are presented on the GBIF Portal. This annotated checklist is of introduced (alien) and invasive alien species known to occur in New Caledonia, an Overseas Territory of France. Purpose: The resource will be a support to countries to make progress to achieve Aichi Biodiversity Target 9 -in the development of their National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plans, their National Invasive Alien Species Strategy and Action Plan, target setting and monitoring.