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Regional assessment of the Commercial viability for Marine Ornamental aquaculture within the Pacific Islands (Giant clam, hard & soft coral, Finfish, Live rocks & Marine shrimp)
Island and Ocean Ecosystems
Available Online

Ledua, E.


Lindsay, S.R.


Stanley, J.

The completion of this report would not have been possible without the assistance of a large number of organizations and individuals. We would like to convey our sincere thanks and gratitude to all those who provided information, guidance and advice. Special thanks are extended to the following individuals whose assistance was instrumental in providing information for this report. Mr. Francis Itimai for the Federated States of Micronesia. Mr. Theo Isamu, Mr. Obichang Orak, Mr. Roman Yano, Mr. Larry Goddard, Mr. Francis Matsutaro, Mr. Yimnang Golbuu, Ms. Elisabeth Mathews and Mr. and Mrs. Yano in Palau. Mr. Danny Wase, Ms. Florence Edwards, Mr. Terry Keju, Dr. Manoj Nair and Mr. Rod Bourke in the Marshall Islands. Dr. Dan Sua, Ms. Malwine Lober, Mr. Lui Bell and Mr. Masanami Izumi in Samoa. Ms. Michelle Lam, Mr. Walt and Mrs. Debra Smith, Mr. Tim McLeod, Mr. Hugh Govan in Fiji. Mr. Poasi Fale, Mr. Dickson, Joe Viock and Ms. Mandi Johnson in Tonga. Mr. Moses Amos, Mr. William Naviti, Mr. Larry Sharron and Mr. Quentin Segrest in Vanuatu. In addition, we would like to extend our thanks to a number of individuals; Mr. David Hesaie, Mr. Ian Bertram, Mr. Georges Remoissenet, Dr. Mike Rimmer, Mr. Flinn Curren, Mr. John Gourley, Ms Cathy Hair, Ms. Marine-Ange Hnaujie Mr. Paul Holthus, Mr. Nelson Kile, Mr. Idris Lane, Mr. Ben Ponia and for their help, information and guidance.
Regional turtle training conservation workshop report, 29 November - 1st December, 2006
Island and Ocean Ecosystems
Available Online

Laveti, Merewalesi


MacKay, Dr. Kenneth

The three days Marine Turtle Conservation Workshop in the region reflected an achievement as a successful outcome from the objective of the Turtle Conservation Project in Tuvalu, Fiji and Vanuatu implemented and coordinated by the Institute of Marine Resources (IMR) under the University of the South Pacific (USP). Fellow representatives are from various non government organisation, local community, tourist industry, government officials, SPREP staffs and regional representatives including Samoa, Tuvalu, Tonga, and the Solomon Islands. Altogether, 31 participants attended the workshop. Presentations were conclusively conducted by Dr. Ian Bell (Marine Biologist) assisted by Dr. Ken MacKay (IMR), Aisake Batibasaga (Dept. Fisheries), Alan Resture (IMR) and Lui Bell (SPREP). Participants were basically trained on appropriate scientific research methods on Turtle Conservation, these includes, identifying turtle species, identifying turtle tracks, identifying turtle nesting and feeding grounds, turtle tagging and collating and recording datas. The formulation of the network between representatives would allow information dissemination, increasing in capacity building and education and awareness on turtle conservation at national and regional level. However, SPREP installed the Turtle Research and Monitoring Database System to centralise and secure collated datas and reports on Turtle Research in the region. Conclusively, increasing in efforts, cooperation, networking, management and support on conserving marine turtles will contribute to the rehabilitation and restoring the lost population of the endangered sea turtles in the Pacific.