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  • Collection Island and Ocean Ecosystems
The effect of Norway rats on coastal waterbirds of the Falkland Islands: a preliminary analysis
Island and Ocean Ecosystems, BRB
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Kuepfer, A.


Passfi eld, K.


Poncet, S.


Tabak, M.A.

The Falkland Islands have been affected by anthropogenic-induced habitat modifi cation including introduction of invasive species and grazing by livestock. Introduced Norway rats are known to have a large effect on native Falklands passerines but their effect on other native birds has not been explored. We investigated the effects of several environmental variables, including the presence of Norway rats and chronic grazing by livestock, on an assemblage of 22 species of coastal waterbirds by comparing species richness and relative abundance of birds among 65 rat-infested islands, 29 rat eradicated islands and 76 historically rat-free islands. Bird count data from 299 km of coastline were used to estimate relative bird abundance, expressed as the number of individuals per kilometre of coastline for each species. Our study provided three key results. First, coastal waterbird abundance on islands historically without rats was twice as high as that on islands where rats were present. Second, bird abundance on rat-eradicated islands was intermediate between that of historically rat-free and rat-infested islands. Third, habitat modification by grazing appeared to reduce bird abundance in both rat-free and rat-infested habitats. From a conservation perspective, this study suggests that rat eradication programmes in the Falkland Islands are effective at restoring coastal waterbird abundance and would be even more so if carried out in conjunction with restoration of native coastal plant communities.
Applying lessons learnt from tropical rodent eradications: a second attempt to remove invasive rats from Desecheo National Wildlife Refuge, Puerto Rico
Island and Ocean Ecosystems, BRB
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Figuerola-Hernandez, C.E.


Griffiths, R.


Herrera-Giraldo, J.L.


Howald, G.R.


Keitt, B.


Silander, S.


Swinnerton, K.


Will, D.J.

The introduction of invasive rats, goats, and rhesus macaques to Desecheo National Wildlife Refuge, Puerto Rico led to the extirpation of regionally signifi cant seabird colonies and negatively impacted plant and endemic reptile species. In 2012, following the successful removal of goats and macaques from Desecheo, an attempt to remove black rats using aerially broadcast rodenticide and bait stations was unsuccessful. A review of the operation suggested that the most likely contributors to the failure were: unusually high availability of alternative foods resulting from higher than average rainfall, and insufficient bait availability. In 2016, a second, successful attempt to remove rats was conducted that incorporated best practice guidelines developed during a workshop that focused on addressing the higher failure rate observed when removing rats from tropical islands. Project partners developed a decision-making process to assess the risks to success posed by environmental conditions and established go/no-go decision points leading up to implementation. Observed environmental conditions appeared suitable, and the operation was completed using aerial broadcast of bait in two applications with a target sowing rate of 34 kg/ha separated by 22 days. Application rates achieved on the ground were stratified such that anticipated high risk areas in the cliff s and valleys received additional bait. We consider the following to be key to the success of the second attempt: 1) monitoring environmental conditions prior to the operation, and proceeding only if conditions were conducive to success, 2) reinterpretation of bait availability data using the lower 99% confidence interval to inform application rates and ensure sufficient coverage across the entire island, 3) treating the two applications as independent, 4) increasing the interval between applications, 5) seeking regulatory approval to give the operational team sufficient flexibility to ensure a minimum application rate at every point on the island, and 6) being responsive to operational monitoring and making any necessary adjustments.
The eradication of black rats (Rattus rattus) from Dog Island, Anguilla, using ground-based techniques
Island and Ocean Ecosystems, BRB
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Bell, E.


Connor, R.


Daltry, J.


Mukhida, F.


Varnham, K.

Rat eradication techniques developed in New Zealand are a proven method for removing invasive rodents from islands worldwide. This technology moved rapidly from ground-based bait station operations to aerial application of rodenticides. Rat eradications on tropical islands using similar methods, have not always been as successful as those in temperate regions. As most previous eradications in the Caribbean have been on islands smaller than 50 ha, the eradication of black rats (Rattus rattus) from 207 ha Dog Island was a significant increase in size. Reptile and seabird populations on Dog Island had been in decline for a number of years and black rats were identified as the most likely factor. Following the feasibility study in 2007, the Dog Island Recovery Project was launched in 2011. This was a multiple-year project incorporating a ground-based eradication with establishment of biosecurity procedures to prevent reinvasion, alongside long-term monitoring of native species. Bait stations with cereal-based wax blocks containing brodifacoum at 0.005% w/w were established on a 30–50 m grid over the island. Interference with bait stations by non-target invertebrates, particularly crabs, was high and bait stations required moving or elevating to avoid this. However, there was no evidence of any non-target animals being killed or injured by the bait. Eradication success was confirmed in 2014.
Recovery of introduced Pacific rats following a failed eradication attempt on subtropical Henderson Island, South Pacific Ocean
Island and Ocean Ecosystems, BRB
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Bond, A.L.


Churchyard, T.


Cuthbert, R.J.


Duffi eld, N.


Havery, S.


Kelly, J.


Lavers, J.L.


McClelland, G.T.W.


Oppel S.


Proud, T.


Torr, N.


Vickery, J.A.

Rodent eradications in tropical environments are often more challenging and less successful than those in temperate environments. Reduced seasonality and the lack of a defined annual resource pulse influence rodent population dynamics differently than the well-defined annual cycles on temperate islands, so an understanding of rodent ecology and population dynamics is important to maximise the chances of eradication success in the tropics. Here, we report on the recovery of a Pacific rat (Rattus exulans) population on Henderson Island, South Pacific Ocean, following a failed eradication operation in 2011. We assessed changes in the rat population using capture rates from snap-trapping and investigated seasonality by using capture rates from live-trapping. Following the failed eradication operation in 2011, rat populations increased rapidly with annual per capita growth rates, r, of 0.48–5.95, increasing from 60–80 individuals to two-thirds of the pre-eradication abundance within two years, before decreasing (r = -0.25 – -0.20), presumably as the population fluctuated around its carrying capacity. The long-term changes in rat abundance may, however, be confounded by short-term fluctuations: four years after the eradication attempt we observed significant variation in rat trapping rates among months on the plateau, ranging from 36.6 rats per 100 corrected trap-nights in mid-June to 12.6 in late August. Based on mark-recapture, we also estimated rat density fluctuations in the embayment forest between 20.4 and 42.9 rats ha-1 within one month in 2015, and a much lower rat density on the coral plateau fluctuating between 0.76 and 6.08 rats ha-1 in the span of two months. The causes for the short-term density fluctuations are poorly understood, but as eradication operations on tropical and subtropical islands become more frequent, it will be increasingly important to understand the behaviour and ecology of the invasive species targeted to identify times that maximise eradication success.
South Africa works towards eradicating introduced house mice from sub-Antarctic Marion Island: the largest island yet attempted for mice
Island and Ocean Ecosystems, BRB
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Beaumont, J.


Chauke, L.F.


Chown, S. L.


Cooper, J.


Devanunthan, N.


Dilley, B.J.


Dopolo, M.


Fikizolo, L.


Heine, J.


Henderson, S.


Jacobs, C.A.


Johnson, F.


Kelly, J.


Makhado, A.B.


Marais, C.


Maroga, J.


Mayekiso, M.


McClelland, G.


Mphepya, J.


Muir, D.N. Ngcaba, N. Ngcobo, J.P. Parkes, F. Paulsen, S. Schoombie, K. Springer, C. Stringer,H. Valentine, R.M. Wanless and P.G. Ryan


Preston, G.R.

House mice (Mus musculus) were introduced to South Africa’s sub-Antarctic Marion Island, the larger of the two Prince Edward Islands, by sealers in the early 19th century. Over the last two centuries they have greatly reduced the abundance of native invertebrates. Domestic cats (Felis catus) taken to the island in 1948 to control mice at the South African weather station soon turned feral, killing large numbers of breeding seabirds. An eradication programme finally removed cats from the island by 1991, in what is still the largest island area cleared of cats at 290 km2. Removal of the cats, coupled with the warmer and drier climate on the island over the last half century, has seen increasing densities of mice accumulating each summer. As resources run out in late summer, the mice seek alternative food sources. Marion is home to globally important seabird populations and since the early 2000s mice have resorted to attacking seabird chicks. Since 2015 c. 5% of summer-breeding albatross fledglings have been killed each year, as well as some winter-breeding petrel and albatross chicks. As a Special Nature Reserve, the Prince Edward Islands are afforded the highest degree of protection under South African environmental legislation. A recent feasibility plan suggests that mice can be eradicated using aerial baiting. The South African Department of Environmental Affairs is planning to mount an eradication attempt in the winter of 2021, following a partnership with the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds to eradicate mice on Gough Island in the winter of 2020. The eradication programme on Marion Island will be spearheaded by the South African Working for Water programme – Africa’s biggest conservation programme focusing on the control of invasive species –which is already driving eradication projects against nine other invasive species on Marion Island.
Improving the efficiency of aerial rodent eradications by means of the numerical estimation of rodenticide density
Island and Ocean Ecosystems, BRB
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Aguirre-Muñoz, A.


Méndez-Sánchez, F.A.


Rojas-Mayoral, B.


Rojas-Mayoral, E.

Invasive rodents are present on approximately 80% of the world’s islands and constitute one of the most serious threats to island biodiversity and ecosystem functioning. The eradication of rodents is central to island conservation eff orts and the aerial broadcast of rodenticide bait is the preferred dispersal method. To improve the efficiency of rodent eradication campaigns, the generation of accurate and real-time bait density maps is required. Creating maps to estimate the spatial dispersion of bait on the ground has been carried out using traditional GIS methodologies, which are based on limiting assumptions and are time intensive. To improve accuracy and expedite the evaluation of aerial operations, we developed an algorithm for the numerical estimation of rodenticide density (NERD). The NERD algorithm performs calculations with increased accuracy, displaying results almost in real-time. NERD describes the relationship between bait density, the mass fl ow rate of rodenticide through the bait bucket, and helicopter speed and produces maps of bait density on the ground. NERD also facilitates the planning of helicopter fl ight paths and allows for the instant identification of areas with low or high bait density. During the recent and successful rodent eradication campaign on Banco Chinchorro in Mexico, carried out during 2015, NERD results were used to enable dynamic decision-making in the fi eld and to ensure the efficient use of resources.
Eradicating black rats from the Chagos - working towards the whole archipelago
Island and Ocean Ecosystems, BRB
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Carr, P.




Pitman, H.

The Chagos Archipelago comprises some 58 islands covering 5,000 ha in the centre of the Indian Ocean. Black rats (Rattus rattus) were introduced about 230 years ago and have likely had a severe impact on the native terrestrial fauna, which is dominated by seabirds and land crabs. Most of the archipelago’s terrestrial land mass is vegetated with old coconut plantations, with over 75% of the native forest cleared for coconut from 26 of the largest islands. Likely as a result of this colonisation and clearance, at least 30 islands have rats present (95.3% of the Chagos landmass) along with feral cats (Felis catus) on 62%, which suppresses the recovery of native fauna and fl ora. Efforts at rat eradication include the failed attempt on Eagle Island (252 ha) in the northern Chagos Archipelago in 2006 and the recent success of a ground-based eradication on Île Vache Marine in 2014, where two applications of brodifacoum poison were hand-spread at a rate of 18 kg/ha. Two islets on the nearby Salomon atoll were also cleared of black rats during the same operation with single bait applications. The 2014 operation was successful on what are regarded as difficult islands for rat eradication, being ‘wet’ tropical islands with land crabs and coconut plantations present, and has engendered confidence to proceed with additional rat eradications on other northern Chagos islands.
Bridging the research-management gap: using knowledge exchange and stakeholder engagement to aid decision-making in invasive rat management
Island and Ocean Ecosystems, BRB
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Ewen, J.G.


Ferrière, C.


Jones, C.G.


Maggs, G.


Murrell, D.J.


Nicoll, M.A.C.


Norris, K.


Tatayah, V.


Zuël, N.

The world is facing a biodiversity crisis. Nowhere is that more apparent than on oceanic islands where invasive species are a major threat for island biodiversity. Rats are one of the most detrimental of these and have been the target of numerous eradication programmes; a well-established conservation tool for island systems. For at-risk native species inhabiting large, populated islands, where rat eradication is not an option, control of rat populations has been conducted but this requires continuous management and therefore its long-term viability (and that of the at-risk native species which the project aims to protect) can be uncertain. Large-scale rat management areas or ‘mainland islands’ have been successfully developed in New Zealand. However, large-scale management is a long-term investment with huge financial implications and committing to such an investment can be met with reluctance. This reluctance, and its subsequent hindrance to decision-making, can be caused by uncertainty relating to species conservation outcomes, and the multiple objectives of stakeholders. We address the issue of uncertainty and the importance of communication between all stakeholder parties in relation to the Mauritius olive white-eye (Zosterops chloronothos), a critically endangered passerine endemic to Mauritius and highly threatened by invasive rats. Specifically, we illustrate how the combination of scientific research and communication, knowledge exchange, and stakeholder workshops, can address some of the barriers of decision-making, helping to bridge the research-management gap, and enable the timely expansion of existing rat management for the benefit of this highly threatened bird.
Timing aerial baiting for rodent eradications on cool temperate islands: mice on Marion Island
Island and Ocean Ecosystems, BRB
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Parkes, J.P.

Aerial baiting from helicopters with a bait-sowing bucket and GPS to ensure coverage with anticoagulant toxins in cereal-based baits can reliably eradicate rodents on islands. Current best practice for temperate islands is to bait in winter when the rodents are not breeding, rodent numbers are lowest so competition for toxic baits is lowest, natural food is likely to be scarce, and many non-target species are absent from the island. However, short winter day lengths at high latitudes restrict the time helicopters can fly and poor weather in winter may increase risks of failure. This paper notes precedents from cool temperate islands where baiting was not conducted in winter and then uses the extensive data on mice on Marion Island to explore whether current recommendations for winter baiting based on breeding and natural food availability are important risk factors in determining time of year to bait. Marion Island mice do not breed between early May and late September, mouse densities reach a maximum in May and minimum in November, but the biomass of main natural food (invertebrates) does not fluctuate greatly over the year. This means the per capita food availability is least in autumn and increases through winter to most in spring and summer. The weight of the stomach contents of mice is also highest in winter. Based on this per capita food parameter, mice are likely to be most hungry between about March and May suggesting baiting would be more effective in this period (perhaps towards the end of it when breeding stops) than in the more traditional winter season.