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Pacific Tuna Development Foundation Technical Bulletin Number 3; Bait Culture and Test Fishing American Samoa-1978; Testing Topminnows (Poecilia Mexicana) as Live Bait While Trolling For Tunas in American Samoa

Lambert F. James
Bryan G. Patrick
Publication Year:
Publication Place
San Diego, California and American Samoa
Physical Description:
77 pages; tables; figures
Call Number
VF 41004
Record ID:
Legacy PEIN ID:
General Notes
Contents: 1. Introduction, 3. Methods and Materials, 3. Charter vessel and gear, 3. Topminnows, 3. Normal trolling, 5. fishing operations; 6. problems encountered, 7. fishing results; 11. discussion, 13. conclusions; 14. economic evaluation; 14. production, 14. revenue, 14. operating costs, 17. conclusions, 18. other observations, 18. oceanographic, 18. biological, 20. acknowledgements, 21. literature cited, 22. Appendix 1 - Description of the fishing vessel Leilani, 23. Appendix 2 - School by school statistics, 77. Appendix 3 - comments of Skipper Wally Thompson
Lambert F. James
Bryan G. Patrick
Publication Year:
Publication Place
San Diego, California and American Samoa
Physical Description:
77 pages; tables; figures
Call Number
VF 41004
Record ID:
Legacy PEIN ID:
General Notes
Contents: 1. Introduction, 3. Methods and Materials, 3. Charter vessel and gear, 3. Topminnows, 3. Normal trolling, 5. fishing operations; 6. problems encountered, 7. fishing results; 11. discussion, 13. conclusions; 14. economic evaluation; 14. production, 14. revenue, 14. operating costs, 17. conclusions, 18. other observations, 18. oceanographic, 18. biological, 20. acknowledgements, 21. literature cited, 22. Appendix 1 - Description of the fishing vessel Leilani, 23. Appendix 2 - School by school statistics, 77. Appendix 3 - comments of Skipper Wally Thompson
Record Created: 05-Oct-2000
Record Modified: 18-Dec-2020