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Coastal resource inventory of Arno Atoll Republic of the Marshall Islands

Wilson A.M
Bjorken E.D
Boc S.J
Galloway P
Harris L.G
Lamberts A.E
Maragos J.E
McDermid K.
Molina M.E
Rappa P.J
Streck C.
Publication Year:
Publication Place
Honolulu, HI
Physical Description:
381 pages; figures; tables
Call Number
VF 41210
Record ID:
Legacy PEIN ID:
General Notes
Contents: i. acknowledgements, 1. introduction, 2. methodology, 4. results, The phusical environment of Arno: 6. geography and coastal physiography, 7. marine Biota and ecology, 9. fisheries and mariculture, 9. tourism, education, parks, and reserves, 10. discussion, 11. artisanal/subsistence fisheries economy, 13. commercial fishing, 14. mariculture, 15. natural and cultural parks, 16. tourism destination areas and resorts, 18. shorline erosion, 18. coastal transportation, 19. conclusion and recommendations, 19. artisanal/subsistence fisheries economy, 20. commercial fishing, 20. mariculture, 21. parks and reserves, 21. tourism and resorts, 22. shoreline protection, 22. coastal transportation, 23. future dredging, filling, and quarrying, 23. other recommendations, 25. bibliography, Appendices: 26. Appendix A; survey of Arno Atoll for shoreline protection and transportation needs. J.E. Maragos, S.J. Boc, and E.D. Bjorken, 112. Appendix B: observations on the reef and stony corals of Arno Atoll, Republic of the Marshall Islands. J.E. Maragos and A.E.Lamberts, 184. Appendix C: observations on the reef associated invertebrate Fauna of Arno Atoll, Republic of the Marshall Islands. Larry G. Harris, 224. Appendix D: observations on the shallow reef fish resources of Arno Atoll, Republic of the Marshall Islands, 344. Appendix E: resource users surveys for Arno Atoll, Republic of the Marshall Islands. Peter J. Rappa, R. Virgil Alfred, and Nina Kilma, 381. Appendix F: tourism, education, park, and reserve opportunities for selected lagoon and reef environments on Arno Atoll, Republic of the Marshall Islands. A. Meriwether Wilson
Wilson A.M
Bjorken E.D
Boc S.J
Galloway P
Harris L.G
Lamberts A.E
Maragos J.E
McDermid K.
Molina M.E
Rappa P.J
Streck C.
Publication Year:
Publication Place
Honolulu, HI
Physical Description:
381 pages; figures; tables
Call Number
VF 41210
Record ID:
Legacy PEIN ID:
General Notes
Contents: i. acknowledgements, 1. introduction, 2. methodology, 4. results, The phusical environment of Arno: 6. geography and coastal physiography, 7. marine Biota and ecology, 9. fisheries and mariculture, 9. tourism, education, parks, and reserves, 10. discussion, 11. artisanal/subsistence fisheries economy, 13. commercial fishing, 14. mariculture, 15. natural and cultural parks, 16. tourism destination areas and resorts, 18. shorline erosion, 18. coastal transportation, 19. conclusion and recommendations, 19. artisanal/subsistence fisheries economy, 20. commercial fishing, 20. mariculture, 21. parks and reserves, 21. tourism and resorts, 22. shoreline protection, 22. coastal transportation, 23. future dredging, filling, and quarrying, 23. other recommendations, 25. bibliography, Appendices: 26. Appendix A; survey of Arno Atoll for shoreline protection and transportation needs. J.E. Maragos, S.J. Boc, and E.D. Bjorken, 112. Appendix B: observations on the reef and stony corals of Arno Atoll, Republic of the Marshall Islands. J.E. Maragos and A.E.Lamberts, 184. Appendix C: observations on the reef associated invertebrate Fauna of Arno Atoll, Republic of the Marshall Islands. Larry G. Harris, 224. Appendix D: observations on the shallow reef fish resources of Arno Atoll, Republic of the Marshall Islands, 344. Appendix E: resource users surveys for Arno Atoll, Republic of the Marshall Islands. Peter J. Rappa, R. Virgil Alfred, and Nina Kilma, 381. Appendix F: tourism, education, park, and reserve opportunities for selected lagoon and reef environments on Arno Atoll, Republic of the Marshall Islands. A. Meriwether Wilson
Record Created: 17-Nov-2000
Record Modified: 18-Dec-2020