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Development Bulletin : Environmental sustainability and poverty : lessons from the Pacific / Pamela Thomas|Poverty and the environment : changing concepts / David Reeds|Aid in community based poverty-environment projects / Marjorie Sullivan|Essential synergies : integrating population, environment and development / Louise Sampson and Angela Savage|Threats to Pacific bio-diversity and bio-diversity conservation in the Pacific Islands / Randy Thaman|Environmental change and human security in Pacific island countries / Jon Barnett|A framework for managing environmental vulnerability in small island developing states / Ursula Kaly, Craig Pratt and Russell Howorth|Mixed capital, public-private partnerships : a practical approach to addressing economic and environmental challenges in Pacific island states / Perya Short|Environmental damage as a resource : claims for compensation in the context of mining developments in Papua New Guinea / Martha Macintyre and Simon Foale|Creating supporting frameworks for community based resource management / Meg Keen and Padma Lal|Low cost technology for monitoring sustainable development / R John Morrison, Ursula Kaly, Alifereti Tawake and Batiri Thaman|Community development strategies and their role in promoting an alternative development in the South Pacific Region / Heather Wallace|Supporting Pacific Islander community resource management : some practical lessons / Peter Hunnman and Graham BK Baines|Walking the talk each step of the way : liberating and empowering local communities / Asenaca Ravuvu and Kesaia Tabunakawai|Economi considerations in community based resource use and management / Padma Lal and Meg Keen|Conservation and environmental management : social and ecological issues for poverty reduction in Milne Bay, Papua New Guinea / Gaikovina R Kula|Lessons from the filed : the Sepik Community Landcare Project / Kilyali Kalit|Community forestry and the 'arc of instability': an under-utilised opportunity for redefining the terms of Australia's engagement with the Pacific ? / Abigail Makim, Peter Dart and Grey Young|Mobilising domestic resources for 'the better life' in Solomon Islands / John Roughan and Seri Hite|Building bridges : lessons from the Arnavon Management Committee, Solomon Islands / Sango Mahanty|Gender and Conservation : a WWF Solomon Islands Perspective / Vicky Kalgovas|Gender issues in environmental sustainability and poverty reduction in the community : social and community issues / M. Seniloli, L. Taylor and S. Fulivai|A new initiative in community based sustainable resource use and conservation: the Pacific Islands International Waters Programme / Andrew Wright, Paula Holland, Samson Samasoni and Natasha Stacey|Learning and working together for the environment : applying the Integrated Systems for Knowledge Management approach / Will Allen and Margaret Kilvington|In whose interest? The role of studies in hydro power development in the Mekong Region / Charlie Pahlman|Should mining companies 'break new ground' in Papua New Guinea? / Colin Filer|Land tenure, economic development and environmental sustainability / Ron Duncan
Island and Ocean Ecosystems