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19th SPREP Meeting of Officials, 08-11 September 2008, Pohnpei, FSM : Additional Working papers|Review of support staff salary movements : agenda item 6.4|SPREP support staff remuneration review 2008: terms of reference|SPREP market survey of support staff salaries and terms & conditions in Samoa, July 2008|Annual Reference market data review (Professional staff) : agenda item 6.5|Council of Regional Organisations: annual comparison of reference markets 2008 update|Genetic resources in Pacific region: update on discussion paper from SPREP 2007: agenda item 8.4. paper presented by Australia|Regional Institutional Framework (RIF) Review: agenda item 10.3|Forum Communique: Regional Institutional framework review|Regional Institutional Framework: stage 2 task force, Nukualofa Tonga 2007|Regional Institutional framework- stage 2 RIF task force (June) meeting, PIFS, Suva Fiji 14 June 2007: Chairperson's report - meeting outcomes|The pathway towards quality of service from Pacific Regionalism, September 2007 RIF 2 project team : annex 1|38th Pacific Islands forum, Fiji 24-25 October 2006: Forum communique: Regional Institutional framework review|Reforming the Pacific Regional Institutional Framework, August 2006|39th Pacific Islands Forum, Alofi, Niue 19-20 August 2008: Forum communique: Regional Institional Framework Review

Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme

19th SPREP Meeting of Officials, 08-11 September 2008, Pohnpei, FSM : Additional Working papers|Review of support staff salary movements : agenda item 6.4|SPREP support staff remuneration review 2008: terms of reference|SPREP market survey of support staff salaries and terms & conditions in Samoa, July 2008|Annual Reference market data review (Professional staff) : agenda item 6.5|Council of Regional Organisations: annual comparison of reference markets 2008 update|Genetic resources in Pacific region: update on discussion paper from SPREP 2007: agenda item 8.4. paper presented by Australia|Regional Institutional Framework (RIF) Review: agenda item 10.3|Forum Communique: Regional Institutional framework review|Regional Institutional Framework: stage 2 task force, Nukualofa Tonga 2007|Regional Institutional framework- stage 2 RIF task force (June) meeting, PIFS, Suva Fiji 14 June 2007: Chairperson's report - meeting outcomes|The pathway towards quality of service from Pacific Regionalism, September 2007 RIF 2 project team : annex 1|38th Pacific Islands forum, Fiji 24-25 October 2006: Forum communique: Regional Institutional framework review|Reforming the Pacific Regional Institutional Framework, August 2006|39th Pacific Islands Forum, Alofi, Niue 19-20 August 2008: Forum