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Herbicidal control of bridal creeper (Asparagus asparagoides) in an ecologically sensitive environment

Jusaitis, Manfred

Asparagus asparagoides (bridal creeper) is a highly invasive noxious environmental weed in southern Australia. It poses a severe threat to biodiversity and conservation in temperate natural ecosystems. Pterostylis arenicola, a threatened terrestrial orchid endemic to South Australia, is directly imperilled by this weed in most of its remnant populations. The coincident growth phenologies of orchid and weed make for an ecologically sensitive environment when considering methods of weed control or eradication. To minimise impact on the orchid and its ecosystem, this paper examines the efficacy of herbicide application for A. asparagoides control using the weed wiping technique, comparing it to the conventional spray application method. The most prolonged control of A. asparagoides was achieved after a single wipe-application of 1.5 g a.i. (active ingredient) L 1 metsulfuron methyl, either alone or in combination with 120 g a.i.L 1 glyphosate, both treatments giving significantly better weed control five years after treatment than comparable spray applications. An investigation of the effect of glyphosate on cultures of the mycorrhizal fungus isolated from P. arenicola indicated a significant decline in mycelial growth with increasing herbicide concentration over the range 0.5–3.0 kg a.i. ha 1. These results provide further incentive for the use of ecologically sensitive herbicide application techniques, such as weed wiping, in areas of high conservation concern.
Economics of Harmful Invasive Species: A review

Gren, Ing-Marie


Marbuah, George


McKie, Brendan

The purpose of this study is to review theoretical and empirical findings in economics with respect to the challenging question of how to manage invasive species. The review revealed a relatively large body of literature on the assessment of damage costs of invasive species; single species and groups of species at different geographical scales. However, the estimated damage costs show large variation, from less than 1 million USD to costs corresponding to 12% of gross domestic product, depending on the methods employed, geographical scale, and scope with respect to inclusion of different species. Decisions regarding optimal management strategies, when to act in the invasion chain and which policy to choose, have received much less attention in earlier years, but have been subject to increasing research during the last decade. More difficult, but also more relevant policy issues have been raised, which concern the targeting in time and space of strategies under conditions of uncertainty. In particular, the weighting of costs and benefits from early detection and mitigation against the uncertain avoidance of damage with later control, when the precision in targeting species is typically greater is identified as a key challenge. The role of improved monitoring for detecting species and their spread and damage has been emphasized, but questions remain on how to achieve this in practice. This is in contrast to the relatively large body of literature on policies for mitigating dispersal by trade, which is regarded as one of the most important vectors for the spread of invasive species. On the other hand, the literature on how to mitigate established species, by control or adaptation, is much more scant. Studies evaluating causes for success or failure of policies against invasive in practice are in principal non-existing.
Taking the sting out of the Little Fire Ant in Hawaii

Lee, Donna J.


Leung, PingSun


Motoki, Michael


Nakamoto, Stuart T.


Vanderwoude, Casper

Inthe1990's,LittleFireAnts(LFAs)founditswaytotheislandofHawaii,mostlikelytravelingwithashipmentof potted plantsfrom Florida.These plants weresubsequentlysold toconsumers along theeastcoast of theIsland, alongwithLittleFireAntcolonieslivinginthepottingmedium.LFAisnowthrivingandcontinuestospread.Fifteenyearsaftertheinitialdetectionin1999,LFAhasspreadtoover4000locationsontheislandofHawaiiandhas beenfoundinisolatedlocationsonKauai,Maui,andOahuIslands.Currenteffortsareexpectedtocontaintheinfestations on the otherislands but signi cant additional investment isneeded tohalt therapid spread of LFA on the island of Hawaii. Increased management expenditures can suppress infestations; reduce spread between sectors; and decrease long-term management costs, damages, and stings.| Animmediateexpenditureof$8millioninthenext2–3yearsplusfollow-upprevention,monitoring,andmitigation treatments will yield $1.210 billion in reduced control costs, $129 million in lowered economic damages, 315 million fewer human sting incidents, and 102 million less pet sting incidents over 10 years.| Over35years,thebene tsinclude$5.496billioninreducedcontrolcosts,$538millionlesseconomicdamages, 2.161 billion fewer human sting incidents, and 762 million fewer pet sting incidents.
Distribution, relative abundance, and habitat relationships of landbirds in the Vava'u group, Kingdom of Tonga / by David W. Steadman and Freifield, Holly B.
Available Online

Freifield, Holly B.


Steadman, David W.

We assessed the distribution, relative abundance, and habitat preferences of the 12 indigenous, resident species of landbirds that survive in the Vava‘u Group, Kingdom of Tonga. We surveyed 16 islands, 10 of which are previously unmentioned in ornithological literature. The islands vary in land area (0.02-96 kn?), habitat composition, elevation (20- 215 m), and distance (O-lo.1 km) from the largest island of ‘Uta Vavdu. We conducted point counts along transects on 14 of the islands, and placed each count location into one of five habitat categories. Of the 11 species of landbirds that are widespread and at least locally common, 7 (Purple-capped Fruit-Dove Ptilinopus porphyraceus, Pacific Pigeon Ducula pacijca, Common Barn-Owl Tyto alba, White-rumped Swiftlet Collocalia spodiopygia, Collared Kingfisher Halcyon chloris, Polynesian Tiiller Lalage maculosa, Polynesian Starling Aplonis tabuensis) certainly or probably occur on each of the 16 islands. One species (West Polynesian Ground-Dove Gallicolumba stairii) is extremely rare (one small population on one island). Three species that we did not record (Many-colored Fruit-Dove Ptilinopus perousii, Blue-crowned Lorikeet Vini australis, Fiji Shrikebill Clytorhynchus vitiensis) probably have been extirpated from Vava‘u. The species richness and relative abundance of landbirds on islands in Vava‘u are affected more by deforestation and other human activities than by island area, elevation, or isolation.
An invasive ant distribution database to support biosecurity risk analysis in the Pacific
Island and Ocean Ecosystems, BRB

Burne, Allan R.


Cooling, Meghan


Gruber, Monica A.

Invasive species are one of the most serious threats to biodiversity. Up-to-date and accurate information on the distribution of invasive species is an important biosecurity risk analysis tool. Several databases are available to determine the distributions of invasive species and native species. However, keeping this information current is a real challenge. Ants are among the most widespread invasive species. Five species of ants are listed in the IUCN list of damaging invasive species, and many other species are also invasive in the Pacific. We sought to determine and update the distribution information for the 18 most problematic invasive ant species in the Pacific to assist in Small Island Developing States with risk analysis. We compared the information on six public databases, conducted a literature review, and contacted experts on invasive ants in the Pacific region to resolve conflicting information. While most public records were accurate we found some new records had not yet been incorporated into the public databases, and some information was inaccurate. The maintenance of public databases faces an enormous challenge in balancing completeness (~15 000 ant species in this case) with accuracy (the impossibility of constantly surveying) and utility.