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Conservation of kakerori (Pomarea dimidiata) in the Cook Islands in 2005/06
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Robertson Hugh A


Saul Edward K

In 1989, the kakerori (Pomarea dimidiata) was one of the ten rarest bird species in the world, with a declining population of just 29 birds in the Takitumu Conservation Area (TCA) of southeastern Rarotonga. As a result of conservation management, the kakerori population rebounded, with up to 300 birds being recorded on Rarotonga and Atiu in 2004/05. The southern Cook Islands was, however, hit by five tropical cyclones over a 4-week period in February–March 2005, and much of the forest on exposed faces, spurs and ridges (traditional kakerori habitat) was severely damaged. The population survived remarkably well, with a minimum of 274 adults known to be alive in the TCA in August 2005. An additional 17 adults were found on Atiu between August 2005 and March 2006. The main\ casualties of the cyclones on Rarotonga appeared to be young birds (1–3 years old) and very old birds (> 20 years old). Because the population on Rarotonga remained well within the management target of 250–300 individuals, rat poisoning was again done fortnightly, as in the previous 2 years. Breeding productivity was exceptionally poor in 2005/06, mainly because of nesting failures or early fledgling deaths caused by abnormally wet conditions during the main fledging periods. Nests were more exposed to the elements because the cyclones had extensively defoliated the canopy. Furthermore, rats were often seen foraging during the day, apparently struggling to find food (few trees were fruiting). Only 22 fledglings were definitely seen in 2005/06; however, some territories were not checked or poorly checked during the breeding season, and some fledglings may have dispersed to better vegetated sites. We recommend that rat control should return to the weekly poisoning regime used during the 1989–2001 recovery phase of the kakerori management programme if the August 2006 census reveals that the population has fallen below 220 birds (a 20% decline from pre-cyclone levels). Otherwise the regime of the sustainable management phase (fortnightly poisoning) should continue.
Conservation of kakerori (Pomarea dimidiata) in the Cook Islands in 2004/05
Available Online

Robertson Hugh A


Saul Edward K

In 1989, the kakerori (Pomarea dimidiata) was one of the ten rarest bird species in the world, with a declining population of just 29 birds living in south-eastern Rarotonga. As a result of conservation management, the kakerori population has rebounded, with a minimum of 281 birds on Rarotonga and 19 birds on Atiu in summer 2004/05. Since 2001, the emphasis of management in the Takitumu Conservation Area (TCA) on Rarotonga has shifted from the ‘recovery’ of kakerori to ‘sustaining’ the population at 250–300 individuals. In 2004/05, all rat bait stations were filled fortnightly, and so the labour costs were reduced by 30% to 34 person days, and toxin use (57 kg of Talon®—active ingredient brodifacoum) was reduced 81% from the peak year during the ‘recovery phase’. Kakerori breeding productivity was unusually high in 2004/05 because several pairs raised two broods. In the poisoned area, apparent breeding success was significantly higher (1.35 fledglings/breeding territory) than in the unpoisoned area (0.55 fledglings/ breeding territory); however, this difference was at least partly due to more effort being spent searching for fledglings in poisoned areas. A minimum of 59 fledglings was detected in 2004/05; however, some territories were not checked during the breeding season, and then a series of five tropical cyclones struck Rarotonga in a 4-week period in February/March 2005, which halted our fledgling searches, and caused severe damage to some habitat in the TCA. We expect that many kakerori perished during these cyclones; however, the population on Atiu, which was only affected by two of the five cyclones, survived unscathed. These catastrophic weather events highlighted the vulnerability of single-island endemic birds, and underlined the value of establishing an ‘insurance’ population on Atiu. We recommend that the poisoning regime should return to that used during the ‘recovery phase’ of the kakerori management programme if the August 2005 census reveals that the population has fallen below 220 birds (a 20% decline), otherwise the recent programme of fortnightly poisoning should continue.