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Using expert Knowledge and Field Surveys to Guide Management of an Invasive Alien Palm in a Pacific Island Lowland Rainforest
Island and Ocean Ecosystems, BRB
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Boehmer, H.J.


Dyer, M.J.B.


Keppel, G.


Tuiwawa, M.


Vido, S.


Watling, D.

Invasive alien ornamental plants are a global problem, especially on oceanic islands, and can have severe impacts on native biodiversity. Pinanga coronata, is an ornamental palm tree that can form mono-dominant stands in its native habitat and is widely cultivated throughout the tropics. Here we investigate the introduction, spread, impact and management of this invasive palm in the Fiji Islands, using extensive discussions with local experts and ?eld surveys. Pinanga coronata was introduced in the 1970s to the Colo-i-Suva area, eastern Viti Levu island, Fiji´s principal island, and has since become invasive in mahogany plantations and lowland rainforest. It has also been introduced and is becoming invasive on the western side of that island. However, the distribution of P. coronata remains geographically limited to the immediate vicinity of introduction sites but it is rapidly spreading. In each location, the species has formed mono-dominant stands in the understorey and appears to be displacing native plant species, as suggested by a negative correlation of its abundance with that of native tree ferns. This highlights the need for rapid control of P. coronata in Fiji. Local experts state management should involve manual removal of seedlings and saplings, killing of adult palms by injection of herbicide, and education and legislation to prevent the further spread of the species. Based on these recommendations and ?eld data, management actions to control P. coronata are proposed and steps to develop these into a management plan are discussed. Given P. coronata threatens native biodiversity in Fiji and has the potential to invade other rainforest ecosystems in the tropics, proposed management approaches are urgent and relevant for other tropical countries.
Methods for monitoring invertebrate response to vertebrate eradication
Island and Ocean Ecosystems, BRB
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Houghton, M.


Shaw, J.


Terauds, A.

Once an island vertebrate eradication is deemed successful, it is typically assumed that ecosystem recovery will follow. To date, most post-eradication monitoring focuses on the recovery of key threatened or charismatic species, such as seabirds. Little attention has been given to monitoring and quantifying the response of invertebrate communities. Rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus), house mice (Mus musculus), and ship rats (Rattus rattus) impacted sub-Antarctic Macquarie Island for over 140 years, with wide ranging ecosystem impacts. In 2014, the eradication of rabbits and rodents was o?cially declared successful. To determine whether management objectives are being met, we are investigating the response of invertebrate communities to pest eradication, using both historic data and contemporary surveys to track changes over space and time. To achieve this, we have developed a survey strategy that is e?ective and e?cient. Here we report on the merits of utilising a variety of invertebrate trapping methodologies to establish current baselines for future invertebrate monitoring. We identify sampling techniques that are most e?ective for speci?c groups of taxa, particularly those of interest to post-eradication monitoring, and how the implementation of such methods can improve and facilitate e?ective post-eradication monitoring of invertebrates.
Introduction of biological control agents against the European earwig (Forficula auricularia) on the Falkland Islands
Island and Ocean Ecosystems, BRB
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González-Moreno, P.


Maczey, N.


Moore, D.


Rendell, N.

The Falkland Islands (FI), as with many island ecosystems, is vulnerable to invasive species, which can cause wide ranging social and environmental consequences. Control of invasive species is widely recognised as a priority, but there have never been attempts to use classical biological control (CBC) for this purpose in FI. The European earwig was recently introduced to the FI and has since become abundant in the Stanley area and some other settlements on the islands. Earwigs now cause considerable damage to garden crops and also pose a number of health hazards. There are also concerns that earwigs have started to spread into grasslands and irreversibly alter this important native ecosystem. After extensive stakeholder consultations it was decided to use the invasive earwigs as a case study for the introduction of CBC to the FI. Based on previous work on earwig control, supplemented by additional host range testing, two tachinid ?ies, Triarthria setipennis and Ocytata pallipes, were selected as the most suitable control agents for the Falkland Islands. Extensive awareness raising activities, focusing on the threat of invasive species, bene?ts and risks of CBC, secured the support of the wider public to go ahead with the release of both control agents during 2015 and 2016. Major challenges encountered during the release process were the need to install makeshift quarantine facilities and the switchover of the life-cycle of both control agents to southern hemisphere seasons.
Assessment of snail exposure to the anticoagulant rodenticide brodifacoum in the Galapagos Islands
Island and Ocean Ecosystems, BRB
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Alifano, A.


Campbell, K.J.


Fisher, P.


Jolley, W.


Parent, C.E.

Eradication of invasive rodents has become a powerful tool to protect native island biota. Use of brodifacoum, an anticoagulant rodenticide, has contributed to hundreds of successful invasive rodent eradication e?orts on islands. Application of bait containing brodifacoum for this purpose requires appropriate consideration of adverse e?ects on non-target wildlife. Thus, a priori identi?cation of non-target risks and, where needed, approaches to mitigate these to acceptable levels, is now an essential component of eradication planning and implementation. As part of the plan for eradicating invasive rats and mice from Floreana Island in the Galapagos, we experimentally tested the e?ect of brodifacoum on the Galapagos endemic land snail species Naesiotus unifasciatus. Importantly, the trials were designed to evaluate e?ects of particular components of the bait pellets, namely the active brodifacoum, the pyranine biomarker, and a blue dye. We found no evidence for increased snail mortality following exposure to any of these bait components. We review results of past toxicity studies on terrestrial molluscs and ?nd that, as for our own study, there is likely to be little impact of anticoagulant rodenticide on terrestrial mollusc survival as the result of application of brodifacoum bait. However, given the limited taxonomic representation in the toxicity tests performed on terrestrial molluscs so far, we recommend the continued used of captive toxicity trials to assess potential e?ect of any rodenticide applications on native malacological fauna on a case-by-case basis where large-scale eradication programmes are planned and undertaken.
Management of an invasive avian parasitic fly in the Galapagos Islands: is biological control a viable option?
Island and Ocean Ecosystems, BRB
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The bird-parasitic ?y, Philornis downsi, was ?rst recorded in the Galápagos Islands in 1964 where it likely invaded from mainland Ecuador. This muscid ?y is now the leading cause of recent declines in endemic landbird populations as its larvae feed on the nestlings of at least 19 bird species in the Galápagos, including many species of Darwin’s ?nches. As yet, no long-term control method has been implemented for P. downsi, but importation (also known as classical) biological control may be a viable option. Due to historically high-pro?le examples of biological control agents attacking non-target species, some consider biological control to be too risky to be compatible with conservation aims. However, since biosafety practices were implemented beginning in the 1990s, these risks have been drastically reduced, and biological control is now an important tool for suppressing invasive species that are di?cult to control using other means. We investigated the safety of a potential biological control agent, the parasitoid wasp, Conura annulifera, that attacks P. downsi in its native range. Here we summarise the results of a series of ?eld, laboratory and comparative studies on C. annulifera (methods and results are not reported here) and outline future directions. We used a ?eld experimental paradigm involving nest boxes baited with non-target hosts, and quarantine laboratory no-choice trials in which non-target hosts were exposed to C. annulifera. Our work to-date suggests that C. annulifera is restricted to attacking species within the genus Philornis. Furthermore, a phylogenetically controlled comparative study suggests that C. annulifera is evolutionarily constrained in its host range. These results lead us to conclude that C. annulifera demonstrates promise as an ecologically safe agent for the long-term biological control of P. downsi. Studies will now focus on an evaluation of risks to endemic and native species in the Galápagos.
Feasibility of eradicating the large white butterfly (Pieris brassicae) from New Zealand: data gathering to inform decisions about the feasibility of eradication
Island and Ocean Ecosystems, BRB
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Broome, K.


Brown, K.


Green, C.


Phillips, C.B.


Toft, R.


Walker, G.

Pieris brassicae, large white butter?y, was ?rst found in New Zealand in Nelson in May 2010. The Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) responded with a monitoring programme until November 2012 when the Department of Conservation (DOC) commenced an eradication programme. DOC was highly motivated to eradicate P. brassicae by the risk it posed to New Zealand endemic cress species, some of which are already nearly extinct. DOC eliminated the butter?y from Nelson in less than four years at a cost of ca. NZ$5 million. This is the ?rst time globally that a butter?y has been purposefully eradicated. Variation in estimates of bene?ts, costs, the e?cacy of detection and control tools, and the probability of eradication success all contributed to uncertainty about the feasibility. Cost bene?t analyses can contribute to assessing feasibility but are prone to inaccurate assumptions when data are limited, and other feasibility questions are equally important in considering the best course of action. Uncertainty does not equate to risk and reducing uncertainty through data gathering can inform feasibility and decision making while increasing the probability of eradication success.
Effort required to confirm eradication of an Argentine ant invasion: Tiritiri Matangi Island, New Zealand
Island and Ocean Ecosystems, BRB
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Green, C.

Tiritiri Matangi Island in the Hauraki Gulf, Auckland, New Zealand is a 220 ha restoration island managed by the Department of Conservation as an open sanctuary. Following eradication of the only mammalian predator, the Paci?c rat (Rattus exulans) in 1993, a variety of threatened birds, lizards and a giant invertebrate have been transferred to the island. In March 2000, Argentine ant (Linepithema humile) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) was discovered and delimiting surveys revealed a 10 ha infestation. Managers were concerned that the ant could have signi?cant negative impacts on invertebrates, birds and lizards. Early surveys con?rmed a dramatic decline in all other ant species within the infested area. In February 2001, an eradication programme commenced with paste baits (a.i. 0.01% ? pronil) spread manually in a 2 m × 3 m grid over the entire area. The second year employed a 1 m × 3 m spacing. A second incursion part way through the programme extended the area to 11 ha. The same toxic bait was used throughout the programme to kill residual colonies and a non-toxic version was used as a lure to intensively monitor progress. Eradication was declared in 2016. Critical parts of the programme included detection of post treatment survivors and the level of e?ort required to con?rm successful eradication. New treatment techniques were developed to kill the last small nests by placing toxic baits inside vials on the ground to prolong bait life. Such nests exhibited non-invasive behaviour, short foraging distances, and were prone to disturbance leading to foraging cessation. Bait densities and ?eld placement were critical to success. Sites with residual nests were deemed free of Argentine ant once there had been no detections over three consecutive years of ongoing monitoring. With few successful Argentine ant eradications in the world the techniques used here can inform and improve success rates for other ant eradication attempts.
Analysis of the secondary nest of the yellow-legged hornet found in the Balearic Islands reveals its high adaptability to Mediterranean isolated ecosystems
Island and Ocean Ecosystems, BRB
Available Online

Colomar, V.


Herrera, C.


Leza, M.M.


Marqués, A.

The yellow-legged hornet (Vespa velutina) was detected for the ?rst time in the north of Spain in 2010, but was not detected in Majorca, Balearic Islands until 2015 and only one secondary nest, with 10 combs, was found in the northwest of the island. During 2016, nine more nests were found in the same region. To better understand the biology of V. velutina in isolated conditions, the following objectives were proposed: (I) describe the architecture and structure of nests; (II) analyse the shape of combs and develop a new method to con?rm the circular pattern of breeding; (III) determine the colony size and (IV) determine the succession of workers and sexual individuals throughout the season. For these reasons, nests that were removed were frozen for at least 48 days until analysis. Our results show that this species has a high reproductive potential under isolated conditions. Results reveal that parameters such as weight, height, diameter, number of cells and total individual production are directly related. Moreover, each mature nest can produce up to 9,000 individuals and several hundred potential founder queens. All results inform formulation of an e?cient control or eradication programme in the Balearic Islands, as we are in the early stages of invasion and intervention is essential to eradicate V. velutina on Majorca Island.
The potential detrimental impact of the New Zealand flatworm to Scottish islands
Island and Ocean Ecosystems, BRB
Available Online

Boag, B.


Neilson, R.

The New Zealand ?atworm, Arthurdendyus triangulatus, is an alien invasive species in The British Isles and the Faroes. It was probably ?rst introduced after WWII and is an obligate predator of our native earthworms. It was initially considered a curiosity until observations in the 1990s in Northern Ireland found it could signi?cantly reduce earthworm numbers. In 1992, it was scheduled under the Countryside and Wildlife Act 1981 then transferred to the Wildlife and Natural Environment (Scotland) Act in 2011 which makes it an o?ence to knowingly distribute the ?atworm. A retrospective survey in Scotland showed that it was detected in botanic gardens, nurseries and garden centres in the 1960s but then spread to domestic gardens then ?nally to farms in the 1990s. Although the geographical distribution of A. triangulatus was initially con?ned to mainland Scotland it was subsequently found established on 30 Scottish Islands. Most of the islands are to the north and west of Scotland and have cool damp climates which are favoured by the New Zealand ?atworm. These islands also generally have relatively poor soils that support grassland farming systems. Evidence from both Northern Ireland and Scotland suggests anecic species of earthworm which occur predominantly in grassland, which help drainage and are a source of food for both animals and birds are at particular risk from the ?atworm. The detrimental impact of the ?atworm on soil processes and wildlife has yet to be quantitatively evaluated but unlike many other invasive species there is currently no known means of control. The precautionary principle must be therefore applied wherever possible and every opportunity taken to stop its further spread.
Valuing the impact of selected invasive species in the Polynesia-Micronesia hotspot, final report
Available Online

Aalbersberg, Bill


Boudjelas, Souad


Brown, Pike


Daigneault, Adam


Greenhalgh, Suzie


Mather, John


Nagle, William

Invasive species pose an enormous threat in the Pacific: not only do they strongly affect biodiversity, but they also potentially affect the economic, social, and cultural wellbeing of Pacific peoples. Invasive species can potentially be managed and that their impacts can potentially be avoided, eliminated, or reduced. However, neither the costs nor the numerous benefits of management are well understood in the Pacific. Thus, the goals of this project were: A) to account for both the costs and benefits of managing invasive species; B) to prepare empirically grounded advocacy materials to help increase investment in the management of invasive species; C) to help governments prioritise investment in managing these species; and D) to build capability for undertaking economic assessments in the future. To accomplish these goals, we undertook cost-benefit analyses (CBAs) of managing five species that are well established on Viti Levu, Fiji: spathodea campanulata (African tulip tree), herpestus javanicus (small Asian mongoose), papuana uninodis (taro beetle), pycnonotus cafer (red-vented bulbul), and merremia peltata (merremia vine). Next, we conducted a comprehensive training programme on the CBA for invasive species management for professionals from the Pacific. Third, we collaborated with Pacific organisations to develop a uniform guide to conducting CBAs with numerous examples from the region. We also designed a flexible Microsoft Excel-based tool for conducting CBAs, enabling professionals who did not attend the training course to nevertheless undertake rigorous CBAs on invasive spsecies management. Finally, we developed advocacy material and publicised findings from this project to promote investment in invasive species management. This report details these activities in turn. It also includes numerous appendices that include the tools, guidance documents, and advocacy materials developed under this project.