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A database for traditional knowledge of weather and climate in the Pacific
Climate Change Resilience
Available Online

Chambers, Lynda E.


Dossis, Tom


Hiriasia, David H.


Malsale, Philip


Martin, David J.


Mitiepo, Rossy


Plotz, Roan D.


Tahera, Khadiza


Tofaeono, Tile I.

Growinginterestintraditionalknowledge(TK),particularlyinrelationtothepredictionofweatherorclimate extremes, raises issues concerning the appropriate storage and management of the information collected. The Traditional Knowledge Database (TK Database) for the storage and use of TK associated with weather and climate prediction in the Paci c was designed with the following principles in mind: (1) preservation of the knowledge, maintaining cultural context wherever possible; (2) respect for intellectual property and cultural sensitivities around data sharing and use; (3) appropriate system design, accounting for ongoing costs of system maintenance and often intermittent Internet access; and (4) moving beyond data preservation to ensure continued use and growth of the TK. The TK Database was successfully deployed to four countries in the south Paci c and is regularly used by their national meteorological services, and partner organizations, both to preserve TK related to weather and climate and as a tool to assist in monitoring the TK indicators. As the rst database of its kind, the TK Database lls a critical gap in the appropriate storage and application of TK and provides an important foundation for future developments.
South Pacific Regional Writeshop Evaluation
Climate Change Resilience
Available Online

Pacific Research and Evaluation Associates

The Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) and the International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (ISDR) collaborated with implementing partner SPREP to host a five day ‘Writeshop’ (workshop) in Fiji in 2011. The Writeshop was funded by the UNITAR Climate Change Capacity and Development (C3D+) Support programme. The objective/outcomes of the Writeshop were twofold: 1. To build capacity of young Pacific country scholars, practitioners and policymakers to write quality publishable papers in the area of climate change, particularly on climate change adaptation and the linkages to disaster risk reduction. 2. To produce quality publishable papers ready for peer-review and facilitate the publication of peer-reviewed articles in academic journals to inform the policy making process on climate change. This Writeshop evaluation was informed by desktop research, an online survey and interviews with some key stakeholders. The evaluation was guided by a set of evaluation questions. · Were approximately 16 quality publishable papers published in academic journals as a result of the Writeshop? · What factors have contributed to achieving or not achieving intended outputs and outcomes of the C3D+ project? · What progress toward the outcomes has been made by the C3D+ project? Has the C3D+ partnership between UNITAR and SPREP been appropriate and effective? · To what extent have the C3D+ project outputs and assistance contributed to outcomes of the PACC programme?
Regional Environmental Change - Climate hotspots: key vulnerable regions, climate change and limits to warming

Battaglini, Antonella (ed.)


Cramer, Wolfgang (ed.)


Hare, William L. (ed.)


Jaeger, Carlo C. (ed.)


Schaeffer, Michiel (ed.)

Regional environmental change - Supplement 1 - Articles included:|Climate hotspots: key vulnerable regions, climate change and limits to warming (Editorial)|Three views of two degrees (Jaeger CC., Jaeger J.)|Climate and conflicts: the security risks of global warming (Scheffran J., Battaglini A.)|Dangerous levels of climate change for agricultural production in China (Tao F., Zhang, Z., Yokozawa M.)|Impacts of climate change on Chinese ecosystems: key vulnerable regions and potential thresholds (Ni J.)|Climate change in Nepal and its impact on Himalayan glaciers (Shrestha AB., Aryal R.)|Implications of climate change in sustained agricultural productivity in South Asia (Lal M.)|Climate change, flooding in South Asia and implications (Mirza MMQ.)|Climate change risks in Sahelian Africa (Ben Mohamed A.)|Agriculture, livelihoods and climate change in the West African Sahel (Sissoko K., van Keulen H., Verhagen J., Tekken V., Battaglini A.)|Potential responses of terrestrial biodiversity in Southern Africa to anthropogenic climate change (Midgley GF., Thuiller W.)|Climate change and agricultural vulnerability: a case study of rain-fed wheat in Kairouan, Central Tunisia (Mougou R., Mansour M., Iglesias A., Chebbi RZ., Battaglini A.)|Towards a general relationship between climate change and biodiversity: an example for plant species in Europe (Alkemade R., Bakkenes M., Eickhout B.)|The responses of agriculture in Europe and climate change (Bindi M., Olesen JE.)|Toward adaptation of agriculture to climate change in the Mediterranean (Iglesias A., Mougou R. Moneo M., Quiroga S.)|Climate change, food stress, and security in Russia (Dronin N., Kirilenko A.)|Climate change threats to environment in the tropical Andes: glaciers and water resources (Chevallier P., Pouyaud B., Suarez W., Condom T.)|Climate change and Australia: key vulnerable regions (Hughes L.)|Dangerous climate change and water resources in Australia (Risbey JS.)|Australian agriculture: coping with dangerous climate change (Steffen W., Sims J., Walcott J., Laughlin G.)|Coral reef ecosystems and anthropogenic climate change (Hoegh-Guldberg O.)|Dangerous climate change in the Pacific islands: food production and food security (Barnett J.)|Critical vulnerabilities of marine and sea ice-based ecosystems in the high Arctic (Johannessen OM., Miles MW.)|Climate vulnerability of ecosystems and landscapes on Alaska's North Slope (Kittel TGF., Baker BB., Higgins JV., Haney JC.)|Interpreting 'dangerous' in the United Nations framework convention on climate change and the human rights of Inuit (Crowley, P.)