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Preparatory Survey on the Project for Construction of Pacific Climate Change Centre in the Independent State of Samoa

Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)

Small island countries, spread over the Pacific region, are extremely susceptible to natural disasters. Since concerns are growing that natural disaster may occur more frequently and become more intensified in the region in the future as climate change worsens, it is urgent and therefore important to establish a base inside the region and develop human resources in this field in order to respond to climate change and disaster prevention. Against this background, formulation of the "Strategy for Climate and Disaster Resilient Development in the Pacific (2017 to 2030)" is under way in the region led by international regional organizations and UNDP. The Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (hereinafter referred to as SPREP), the implementing body of the Project for Construction of Pacific Climate Change Centre, is an international agency established in 1993 by 26 countries and territories (including 14 island countries called Pacific Island Countries, or PICs) and the headquarters in Apia, the capital of Samoa. As one of the central agencies promoting regional-level efforts in the Pacific region for climate change, SPREP is making comprehensive efforts in the field, including the above development strategy, the formulation and implementation of climate change adaptation and mitigation measures in collaboration with donor agencies, and human resource development aimed at increasing its say on the international stage.