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  • Collection Island and Ocean Ecosystems
Elasmobranch captures in the Fijian pelagic longline fishery
Island and Ocean Ecosystems

Gilman, Eric


Piovano, Susanna

1. Pelagic longline fisheries for relatively fecund tuna and tuna-like species can have large adverse effects on incidentally caught species with low-fecundity, including elasmobranchs. 2. Analyses of observer programme data from the Fiji longline fishery from 2011 to 2014 were conducted to characterize the shark and ray catch composition and identify factors that significantly explained standardized catch rates. Catch data were fitted to generalized linear models to identify potentially significant explanatory variables. 3. With a nominal catch rate of 0.610 elasmobranchs per 1000 hooks, a total of 27 species of elasmobranchs were captured, 48% of which are categorized as Threatened under the IUCN Red List. Sharks and rays made up 2.4% and 1.4%, respectively, of total fish catch. Blue sharks and pelagic stingrays accounted for 51% and 99% of caught sharks and rays, respectively. 4. There was near elimination of ‘shark lines’, branchlines set at or near the sea surface via attachment directly to floats, after 2011. 5. Of caught elasmobranchs, 35% were finned, 11% had the entire carcass retained, and the remainder was released alive or discarded dead. Finning of elasmobranchs listed in CITES Appendix II was not observed in 2014. 6. There were significantly higher standardized shark and ray catch rates on narrower J-shaped hooks than on wider circle hooks. Based on findings from previous studies on single factor effects of hook width and shape, the smaller minimum width of the J-shaped hooks may have caused the higher shark and ray catch rates. For sharks, the effect of hook width may have exceeded the effect of hook shape, where small increases in shark catch rates have been observed on circle vs J-shaped hooks. 7. Shark and ray standardized catch rates were lowest in the latter half of the year. Focusing effort during the second half of the year could reduce elasmobranch catch rates.
Sustainable livelihood strategies for conservation of biodiversity in Fiji, including potential crops and value adding opportunities in three FPAM project sites - Marketing of suitable products and recommendations; across three project sites: Greater Tomaniivi Protected Areas on Viti Levu, Greater Delaikoro Protected Areas on Vanua Levu, Taveuni Forest Reserve/Ravilevu Nature Reserve on Taveuni.
Island and Ocean Ecosystems
Available Online

Addinsall, Cherise (Dr.)




Glencross, Kevin (Dr.)


Hancock, Wayne (Dr.)


Kete, Tevita


Prasad, Vinesh

Conservation of biodiversity, improving rural livelihoods and supporting sustainable agriculture are key issues globally, but for many Pacific Island Countries (PICs) key biodiversity reserves are under considerable pressure from clearing and degradation. Rural communities are often put in a situation where clearing of forest margins is undertaken to meet demand for arable land to produce food and generate income. Forest reserves are also degraded by logging, where timber royalties are important in the absence of other sources of income for traditional landowners and communities. Therefore, agroforestry and ecologically based agriculture systems in the forest margins can help to offset reliance on forest degradation and can enhance the buffers around key reserves. Sustainable forest management and ecotourism also need to be maximised to help meet these challenges of generating income whilst maintaining or enhancing biodiversity, conserving soil and water resources.