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  • Collection Climate Change Resilience
Climate Risk Management in Water Sector in Tonga
Climate Change Resilience
Available Online

Fakhruddin, Bapon (Shm)

Natural disasters have a significant impact in the Pacific Islands. Between 1950 and 2004, more than 200 disasters resulted in more than 1700 fatalities and losses amounting to USD 6.5 billion. Given their small populations and economies, such losses are traumatic to Pacific Island countries. Tonga, one of 52 Small Island Developing States (SIDS), is highly susceptible to the impacts of climate change and disasters due principally to its geographical, geological, and socio–economic characteristics. Climate change and natural disasters pose severe adverse threats on the environment, the people of Tonga, and their livelihoods. Scientific findings revealed that these impacts would be exacerbated by future climate change. The Government of Tonga has acknowledged these risks to the sustainable development of the country and has hence considered these issues as high priorities in its National Strategic Planning Framework. The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Australian Government Pacific Adaptation Climate Change (PACC) project have assisted to increase the resilience of the water resources management sector in Tonga and to enhance adaptive capacity of villages, communities and socio–economic activities to climate change and sea level rise (SLR). This paper, however, describes the impacts of water resources due to climate change rather than the PACC results.
Tonga National Infrastructure Investment Plan 2013-2023
Climate Change Resilience, Island and Ocean Ecosystems
Available Online

Clausen, Allison


D'Este, Glen


Hamilton, David


Moala, David


Pacific Region Infrastructure Facility (PRIF)


Tupou, Kisione

This is the second NIIP. It updates and builds on the successes of the first NIIP that was prepared in 2010. It continues the focus on responsible investment and improved asset management, and includes a stronger spotlight on climate change adaptation and disaster risk management. The Plan is country owned and led, and was developed with the full participation of and in consultation with internal stakeholders, and private sector and community representatives. The process involved the following key steps: 1. Analysing the key drivers for investments in economic infrastructure that will improve the everyday lives of the people of Tonga and reduce the costs of doing business. 2. Assembling a comprehensive list of economic infrastructure projects in the pipeline based on information from Government, Public Enterprises, and development partners to identify those investment projects that are already underway or have committed funding. 3. Developing and applying a robust prioritisation methodology that reflects national objectives as outlined in the Tonga Strategic Development Framework 2011-2014 (TSDF) to identify a set of infrastructure projects investments that are ‘high priority’ for implementation in the next five years. 4. Considering the whole-of-sector planning implications of high priority projects, and identifying linkages and complementary (non-infrastructure) measures required to obtain best long-term value from investments. 5. Assessing the financial sustainability and level of cost recovery of existing infrastructure, and the proposed investments and linkages with public sector financial management framework. 6. Assessing the current infrastructure funding position of Government and Public Enterprises, and developing a funding strategy that can form the basis for discussion between Government, national stakeholders, and development partners.