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A guide to the sustainable fisheries act public law 104-297

Prepared by the NOAA office of general counsel
Publication Year:
Publication Place
Physical Description:
72 pages
Call Number
VF 41208
Record ID:
Legacy PEIN ID:
General Notes
Contents: 1. findings; purposes; policy, 1. definitions: bycatch, economic discards, and regulatory discards, 2. charter, commercial, and recreational fishing, 3. essential fish habitat, 4. fishing community, 5. individual fishing quota, 6. large scale driftnet fishing, 6. optimum, 7. overfished and overfishing, 7. Pacific Insular Area, 7. special areas, 7. United States harvested fish, 8. Vessel subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, 8. Highly migratory species, 8. foreign fihsing and international fishery agreements; authority to operate under transshipment permits, 9. international fishery agreements, 9. period for congressional review of international fishery agreements, 10. transshipment permits and Pacific insular area fishing, 12. Atlantic herring transshipment, 13. large scale driftnet fishing, 13. Russian fishing in the Bering Sea, National Standards: 14. national standard 5, 15. national standard 8, 15. national standard 9, 16. national standard 10, Regional fishery management councils; 16. establishment, 17. voting membeers, 18. compensation and expenses, 19. transaction of business, 19. committees and panels, 19. functions, 19. fishery habitat concersn, 19. procedural matters, 20. disclosure of financial interest and recusal, Fishery management plans; 22. required provisions, 23. implementation, 23. iscretionary provisions, 24. proposed regulations, 24. individual fihsing quotas, 25. individual fishing quota report, 26. North Pacific loan program, 28. community development quota report, 28. existing quota plans, Action by the Secretary; 28. secretarial review of plans and regulations, 30. preparation by the secretary, 30. individual fishing quota and community development quota fees, 31. delay of fees, 31. overfishing, 34. fisheries under authority of more than one council, 34. Atlantic highly migratory species, 35. comprehensive management system for Atlantic pelagic longline, 35. repeal or revocation of a fishery management plan, 35. Ameircan lobster fishery, Other requirements and authority; 36. gear evaluation and notification fo entry, 36. fish habitat, 39. emergency actions and iterim measures, 40. effect of certain laws on certain time requirements, 40. negotiated conservation and management measures, 40. central registry system for limited access system permits, 46. registry transition, Pacific community fisheries; 47. Harold Sparck memorial community development quota program, 49. western Pacific CDQ programs, 50. western Pacific demonstration program, State jurisdiction; 51. in general, 52. exception, 52. exception regarding foreign fish processing in internal waters, 52. interim authority for Dungeness crab, 53. Prohibited acts; 54. civil penalties and permit sanctions; rebuttable presumptions, 54. enforcement, 55. transition to sustainable fisheries; transition to sustainable fisheries, 57. study of federal investment, 57. north Pacific and Northwest Atlantic ocean fisheries north pacific fisheries conservation, 61. northwest Atlantic Ocean fisheries, 61. change of title, 61. registration and information management, 62. information collection, 63. observers, 64. fisheries research, 64. incidental harvest research, 66. miscellaneous research fisheries systems research, 66. Gulf of Mexico red snapper research, 67. study of contribution of bycatch to charitable organizations, 67. study of identification methods for harvest stocks, 68. review of northeast fishery stock assessments, 68. clerical amendmentrs, 68. short title, 68. individual fishing quota loans, 69. fisheries financing and capacity reduction, 70. marine fish program authorization of appropriations, 71. Interjurisdictional fisheries act amendments, 71. anadroumous fisheries amendments, 71. atlantic coastal fisheries amendments, 72. technical amendments to maritime boundary agreement, 72. amendments to the fisheries act
Prepared by the NOAA office of general counsel
Publication Year:
Publication Place
Physical Description:
72 pages
Call Number
VF 41208
Record ID:
Legacy PEIN ID:
General Notes
Contents: 1. findings; purposes; policy, 1. definitions: bycatch, economic discards, and regulatory discards, 2. charter, commercial, and recreational fishing, 3. essential fish habitat, 4. fishing community, 5. individual fishing quota, 6. large scale driftnet fishing, 6. optimum, 7. overfished and overfishing, 7. Pacific Insular Area, 7. special areas, 7. United States harvested fish, 8. Vessel subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, 8. Highly migratory species, 8. foreign fihsing and international fishery agreements; authority to operate under transshipment permits, 9. international fishery agreements, 9. period for congressional review of international fishery agreements, 10. transshipment permits and Pacific insular area fishing, 12. Atlantic herring transshipment, 13. large scale driftnet fishing, 13. Russian fishing in the Bering Sea, National Standards: 14. national standard 5, 15. national standard 8, 15. national standard 9, 16. national standard 10, Regional fishery management councils; 16. establishment, 17. voting membeers, 18. compensation and expenses, 19. transaction of business, 19. committees and panels, 19. functions, 19. fishery habitat concersn, 19. procedural matters, 20. disclosure of financial interest and recusal, Fishery management plans; 22. required provisions, 23. implementation, 23. iscretionary provisions, 24. proposed regulations, 24. individual fihsing quotas, 25. individual fishing quota report, 26. North Pacific loan program, 28. community development quota report, 28. existing quota plans, Action by the Secretary; 28. secretarial review of plans and regulations, 30. preparation by the secretary, 30. individual fishing quota and community development quota fees, 31. delay of fees, 31. overfishing, 34. fisheries under authority of more than one council, 34. Atlantic highly migratory species, 35. comprehensive management system for Atlantic pelagic longline, 35. repeal or revocation of a fishery management plan, 35. Ameircan lobster fishery, Other requirements and authority; 36. gear evaluation and notification fo entry, 36. fish habitat, 39. emergency actions and iterim measures, 40. effect of certain laws on certain time requirements, 40. negotiated conservation and management measures, 40. central registry system for limited access system permits, 46. registry transition, Pacific community fisheries; 47. Harold Sparck memorial community development quota program, 49. western Pacific CDQ programs, 50. western Pacific demonstration program, State jurisdiction; 51. in general, 52. exception, 52. exception regarding foreign fish processing in internal waters, 52. interim authority for Dungeness crab, 53. Prohibited acts; 54. civil penalties and permit sanctions; rebuttable presumptions, 54. enforcement, 55. transition to sustainable fisheries; transition to sustainable fisheries, 57. study of federal investment, 57. north Pacific and Northwest Atlantic ocean fisheries north pacific fisheries conservation, 61. northwest Atlantic Ocean fisheries, 61. change of title, 61. registration and information management, 62. information collection, 63. observers, 64. fisheries research, 64. incidental harvest research, 66. miscellaneous research fisheries systems research, 66. Gulf of Mexico red snapper research, 67. study of contribution of bycatch to charitable organizations, 67. study of identification methods for harvest stocks, 68. review of northeast fishery stock assessments, 68. clerical amendmentrs, 68. short title, 68. individual fishing quota loans, 69. fisheries financing and capacity reduction, 70. marine fish program authorization of appropriations, 71. Interjurisdictional fisheries act amendments, 71. anadroumous fisheries amendments, 71. atlantic coastal fisheries amendments, 72. technical amendments to maritime boundary agreement, 72. amendments to the fisheries act
Record Created: 17-Nov-2000
Record Modified: 18-Dec-2020