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"Draft" Fishery Management Plan for Coral Reef Ecosystems of the Western Pacific Region (and regulations)

Simonds, Kitty M.
Western Pacific Regional Fishery Management Council
Publication Year:
Publication Place
Honolulu, Hawaii
Physical Description:
201 pages; illus; appendices
Call Number
Record ID:
Legacy PEIN ID:
General Notes
Contents: background information; table of contents; executive summary; summary of environmental impacts for major alternatives:1. definitions 2. introduction 3. description of ecosystem resources 4. essential fish habitat 5. description of fisheries 6. description of management issues 7. management objectives 8. management program management considerations 10. sustainable fisheries act (SFA) determinations 11. relationship of the recommended measures to existing applicable laws and policies 12. future needs 13. references; appendices: Volume 1. Appendix A:draft environmental impact statement (EIS) FMP for coral reef ecosystems in the Western Pacific Region, Appendix B: Regualtory impact review and initial regulatory flexibility analysis; Volume 2. Appendix C: an assessment of the status of coral reef resources, and their patterns of use, in the U.S. Pacific Island (Executive Summary), Appendix D: MUS/EFH descriptions-I. fishes II. invertebrates III. sessile benthos, Appendix E: existingmarine protected areas, Appendix F: building a national system of marine protected areas, Appendix G: candidate MPA's for U.S. Pacific, Appendix H: conservation measures for non fishing impacts, Appendix I: responses to public comments, Appendix J: maps of coral reef ecosystems of the U.S. Western Pacific Region
Simonds, Kitty M.
Western Pacific Regional Fishery Management Council
Publication Year:
Publication Place
Honolulu, Hawaii
Physical Description:
201 pages; illus; appendices
Call Number
Record ID:
Legacy PEIN ID:
General Notes
Contents: background information; table of contents; executive summary; summary of environmental impacts for major alternatives:1. definitions 2. introduction 3. description of ecosystem resources 4. essential fish habitat 5. description of fisheries 6. description of management issues 7. management objectives 8. management program management considerations 10. sustainable fisheries act (SFA) determinations 11. relationship of the recommended measures to existing applicable laws and policies 12. future needs 13. references; appendices: Volume 1. Appendix A:draft environmental impact statement (EIS) FMP for coral reef ecosystems in the Western Pacific Region, Appendix B: Regualtory impact review and initial regulatory flexibility analysis; Volume 2. Appendix C: an assessment of the status of coral reef resources, and their patterns of use, in the U.S. Pacific Island (Executive Summary), Appendix D: MUS/EFH descriptions-I. fishes II. invertebrates III. sessile benthos, Appendix E: existingmarine protected areas, Appendix F: building a national system of marine protected areas, Appendix G: candidate MPA's for U.S. Pacific, Appendix H: conservation measures for non fishing impacts, Appendix I: responses to public comments, Appendix J: maps of coral reef ecosystems of the U.S. Western Pacific Region
Record Created: 06-Sep-2000
Record Modified: 18-Dec-2020