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Division of aquatic & wildlife resources; Guam department of agriculture; annual report fiscal year 1994

Publication Year:
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Physical Description:
125 pages; figures; tables
Call Number
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Record ID:
Legacy PEIN ID:
General Notes
Contents: I. Coordination and administration -project FW-3C-2(federal aid in sport fish and wildlife restoration acts), 1. coordination of Guams fish and wildlife programs, II. Guam fisheries investigations -project F-1R-2(federal aid in sport fish restoration act), 6. offshore fisheries survey, 15. Guam international fishing derby (appendix 1), 20. inshore fisheries survey, 30. inshore aerial survey (appendix 1), 33. fishries data processing, 35. biology of lethrinus harak an L. obsoletus, 41. development of recreational fishing in Fena Lake, 42. technical guidance to projects affecting Guam's fish resources, III. Guam fisheries development -project F-2-D(federal aid in sport fish restoration act), 45. marine fish habitat improvement and aggregating devices, 54. development of boat launching facilities, 56. development of inshore fishing access facilities, 58. restoration of masso reservoir, Non federally funded projects, 59. commercial fisheries, IV. Guam wildlife investigation project W-1R-2(federal aid in wildlife restoration act), 61. determination of current population size and distribution of Guam deer, 66. the population size and distribution of wild asiatic water buffalo on Guam (appendix 1), 68. population size and distribution of wild pigs on Guam, 71. population numbers and distribution of Philippine turtle doves, 75. population size and distribution of black francolin on Guam, 79. survey and inventor of non game birds, 90. natural history, biology, and habitat protection for Marianas fruit bats, 98. roost site characteristics of Marianas furit bats, 99. technical guidance to projects affecting Guam's wildlife resources, V. Guam endangered species investigation project E-1-9(section 6-endangered species act of 1973), 104. captive breeding endangered native birds analysis of the 1993 north ameircan regional studbook of the Micronesian Kingfisher, 109. Halcyon cinnamomina cinnamomina (appendix I), 111. development of an experimental population of Guam rails in the commonwealth of the nrthern Mariana islands, 115. an assessment of portential predators in the release area of the Guam rail inroduction program, Rota, CNMI (appendix I), 122. development and testing of control methods for the brown tree snake
Publication Year:
Publication Place
Physical Description:
125 pages; figures; tables
Call Number
Material Type
Record ID:
Legacy PEIN ID:
General Notes
Contents: I. Coordination and administration -project FW-3C-2(federal aid in sport fish and wildlife restoration acts), 1. coordination of Guams fish and wildlife programs, II. Guam fisheries investigations -project F-1R-2(federal aid in sport fish restoration act), 6. offshore fisheries survey, 15. Guam international fishing derby (appendix 1), 20. inshore fisheries survey, 30. inshore aerial survey (appendix 1), 33. fishries data processing, 35. biology of lethrinus harak an L. obsoletus, 41. development of recreational fishing in Fena Lake, 42. technical guidance to projects affecting Guam's fish resources, III. Guam fisheries development -project F-2-D(federal aid in sport fish restoration act), 45. marine fish habitat improvement and aggregating devices, 54. development of boat launching facilities, 56. development of inshore fishing access facilities, 58. restoration of masso reservoir, Non federally funded projects, 59. commercial fisheries, IV. Guam wildlife investigation project W-1R-2(federal aid in wildlife restoration act), 61. determination of current population size and distribution of Guam deer, 66. the population size and distribution of wild asiatic water buffalo on Guam (appendix 1), 68. population size and distribution of wild pigs on Guam, 71. population numbers and distribution of Philippine turtle doves, 75. population size and distribution of black francolin on Guam, 79. survey and inventor of non game birds, 90. natural history, biology, and habitat protection for Marianas fruit bats, 98. roost site characteristics of Marianas furit bats, 99. technical guidance to projects affecting Guam's wildlife resources, V. Guam endangered species investigation project E-1-9(section 6-endangered species act of 1973), 104. captive breeding endangered native birds analysis of the 1993 north ameircan regional studbook of the Micronesian Kingfisher, 109. Halcyon cinnamomina cinnamomina (appendix I), 111. development of an experimental population of Guam rails in the commonwealth of the nrthern Mariana islands, 115. an assessment of portential predators in the release area of the Guam rail inroduction program, Rota, CNMI (appendix I), 122. development and testing of control methods for the brown tree snake
Record Created: 29-Sep-2000
Record Modified: 19-Dec-2020