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Advance guard: climate change impacts, adaptation, mitigation and indigenous peoples

Galloway McLean, Kirsty
UNU-IAS Traditional Knowledge Initiative
Publication Year:
Publication Place
Darwin, Australia
Physical Description:
128 p.
Call Number
Material Type
Record ID:
Legacy PEIN ID:
General Notes
Available online|Case studies on the Pacific Islands: Capacity Building for the Development of Adaptation Measures in Pacific island countries project - PACIFIC ISLANDS|Pacific Adaptation to Climate Change Project - PACIFIC ISLANDS|Pacific Mangrove Loss - PACIFIC ISLANDS|Sharing Community Stories, The Pacific Climate Change Film Project - PACIFIC ISLANDS|2009 Pacific Voices Tour - PACIFIC ISLANDS|Training in negotiations - PACIFIC ISLANDS|Action research and documentation - PACIFIC ISLANDS|Kia Vai Teateamamao (Be prepared), Traditional climate forcasting in the Cook Islands video - COOK ISLANDS|Kiribati Adaptation Project (KAP) - KIRIBATI|A future for Kiribati? video - KIRIBATI|The Island of my Ancestors video - COOK ISLANDS|Ad Jolet, Anikien RiMajol Kon Climate Change video - MARSHALL ISLANDS|Heritage loss and climate change - MICRONESIA|An assessment of Impacts, Vulnerability, and Adaptation to Climate Change in Samoa|Conservation of the mangrove ecosystems as storm surge protection - SAMOA|A climate change in Samoa|Increasing community resilience to natural disasters through the use of traditional coping strategies on the weather coast Guadalcanal communities in the Solomon Islands|Relocation of atoll islands - SOLOMON ISLANDS|Community based adaptation exchange - SOLOMON ISLANDS|An uncertain future video - PNG|mmm, missing, taro video - PNG|Integrating indigenouse and scientific knowledge bases for disasters risk reduction in PNG|Using indigenous knowledge to predict the impact of human activity on biodiversity - PNG|Local solutions on a sinking paradise, Carteret's islands videobrief - PNG|Indigenous community forest certification scheme - PNG|Sea level rise and environmental migration - TUVALU|Facilitating and strengthening local resource management initiatives of traditional landholders and their communities to achieve biodiversity conservation objectives (GEF) - VANUATU
Galloway McLean, Kirsty
UNU-IAS Traditional Knowledge Initiative
Publication Year:
Publication Place
Darwin, Australia
Physical Description:
128 p.
Call Number
Material Type
Record ID:
Legacy PEIN ID:
General Notes
Available online|Case studies on the Pacific Islands: Capacity Building for the Development of Adaptation Measures in Pacific island countries project - PACIFIC ISLANDS|Pacific Adaptation to Climate Change Project - PACIFIC ISLANDS|Pacific Mangrove Loss - PACIFIC ISLANDS|Sharing Community Stories, The Pacific Climate Change Film Project - PACIFIC ISLANDS|2009 Pacific Voices Tour - PACIFIC ISLANDS|Training in negotiations - PACIFIC ISLANDS|Action research and documentation - PACIFIC ISLANDS|Kia Vai Teateamamao (Be prepared), Traditional climate forcasting in the Cook Islands video - COOK ISLANDS|Kiribati Adaptation Project (KAP) - KIRIBATI|A future for Kiribati? video - KIRIBATI|The Island of my Ancestors video - COOK ISLANDS|Ad Jolet, Anikien RiMajol Kon Climate Change video - MARSHALL ISLANDS|Heritage loss and climate change - MICRONESIA|An assessment of Impacts, Vulnerability, and Adaptation to Climate Change in Samoa|Conservation of the mangrove ecosystems as storm surge protection - SAMOA|A climate change in Samoa|Increasing community resilience to natural disasters through the use of traditional coping strategies on the weather coast Guadalcanal communities in the Solomon Islands|Relocation of atoll islands - SOLOMON ISLANDS|Community based adaptation exchange - SOLOMON ISLANDS|An uncertain future video - PNG|mmm, missing, taro video - PNG|Integrating indigenouse and scientific knowledge bases for disasters risk reduction in PNG|Using indigenous knowledge to predict the impact of human activity on biodiversity - PNG|Local solutions on a sinking paradise, Carteret's islands videobrief - PNG|Indigenous community forest certification scheme - PNG|Sea level rise and environmental migration - TUVALU|Facilitating and strengthening local resource management initiatives of traditional landholders and their communities to achieve biodiversity conservation objectives (GEF) - VANUATU
Record Created: 26-Oct-2010
Record Modified: 20-Sep-2022