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First report of marine alien species in mainland Ecuador: threats of invasion in rocky shores
Island and Ocean Ecosystems, BRB
Available Online

Bigatti, G.


Cornejo, M.


Coronel, J.


Cárdenas, A.


Cárdenas-Calle, M.


Keith, I.


Martinez, P.


Mora, E.


Pérez-Correa, J.


Rivera, F.


Torres, G.


Triviño, M.


Troccoli, L.


Villamar, F.


Zambrano, R.

Invasive species are of signi?cant concern, especially in mega-diverse countries, because they cause negative e?ects such as loss of native biodiversity, ecological alterations, disease spread, and impacts on economic development and human health. In mainland Ecuador, information on invasive invertebrates in marine ecosystems is scarce. The objective of this study was to describe and locate the invasive species present in the rocky shores of the intertidal and subtidal zones along 10 areas (83 sites) covering most of the Ecuadorian coast during 2015–2016. Benthic macroinvertebrates communities were measured over quadrats located randomly on a 50 m transect positioned parallel to the coast in the intertidal and subtidal zone, covering an area of 1,860 km2. Six invasive species were recorded: Arthropoda (Amphibalanus amphitrite), Cnidaria (Pennaria disticha, Carijoa riisei), Bryozoa (Bugula neritina), Rhodophyta (Asparagopsis taxiformis) and Chlorophyta (Caulerpa racemosa). The areas with highest abundance of invasive species were in Jama (not a protected area), Marine and Costal Wildlife Reserve Puntilla of Santa Elena and Santa Clara Island Wildlife Refuge (protected areas). The most abundant species was Carijoa riisei with a relative abundance of up to 80%. It was the most aggressive of the invasive species registered in the subtidal zone, mainly in northern centre of the Ecuadorian coast. C. riisei is growing on native coral (Pocillopora spp.) and on sessile macroinvertebrate communities (Pinctada mazatlanica, Muricea appresa and Aplysina sp.) that are being a?ected by its invasion. This study must be taken into account by local and regional government authorities to create public policy programmes of monitoring for surveillance and control of invasive species. These programmes should focus on integration of socio-economic and ecological e?ects. They should be complemented by experimental design and analysis of environmental variables to provide technical information for a baseline of bio-invasion analysis along the Ecuadorian coast and Galápagos, to avoid the expansion of invasive species negatively a?ecting the marine biodiversity of mega-diverse countries such as Ecuador and other countries of South America.
Eradication programmes complicated by long-lived seed banks: lessons learnt from 15 years of miconia control on O'ahu Island, Hawai'i
Island and Ocean Ecosystems, BRB
Available Online
The invasive tree Miconia calvescens (Melastomataceae) is a priority for control on the Hawaiian Island of O?ahu due to its potential to replace native ??hi?a (Metrosideros polymorpha, Myrtaceae) forests and degrade watershed function if allowed to establish. The O?ahu Invasive Species Committee (OISC) is attempting to eradicate this species from the island of O?ahu. OISC uses a bu?er strategy based on estimated seed dispersal distance to determine the area under surveillance. This strategy has worked well enough to suppress the number of trees reaching reproductive age. The number of mature trees removed annually is now less than the number initially removed when the programme started in 2001. In 2016, just 12 mature trees were removed from 54.71 km2 surveyed compared to 2002, when 40 mature trees were removed from 8.26 km2 surveyed, a 96% drop in mature trees per square kilometre surveyed. However, miconia has a long-lived seed bank and can germinate after 20 years of dormancy in the soil. Funding shortages and gaps in surveys due to refusal of private property owners to allow access have resulted in some long-range extensions. OISC’s results suggest that seed bank longevity is an important factor when prioritising invasive species risk and that allocating more resources at the beginning of a programme to eradicate a species with long-lived seed banks may be a better strategy than starting small and expanding.
Assessment of snail exposure to the anticoagulant rodenticide brodifacoum in the Galapagos Islands
Island and Ocean Ecosystems, BRB
Available Online

Alifano, A.


Campbell, K.J.


Fisher, P.


Jolley, W.


Parent, C.E.

Eradication of invasive rodents has become a powerful tool to protect native island biota. Use of brodifacoum, an anticoagulant rodenticide, has contributed to hundreds of successful invasive rodent eradication e?orts on islands. Application of bait containing brodifacoum for this purpose requires appropriate consideration of adverse e?ects on non-target wildlife. Thus, a priori identi?cation of non-target risks and, where needed, approaches to mitigate these to acceptable levels, is now an essential component of eradication planning and implementation. As part of the plan for eradicating invasive rats and mice from Floreana Island in the Galapagos, we experimentally tested the e?ect of brodifacoum on the Galapagos endemic land snail species Naesiotus unifasciatus. Importantly, the trials were designed to evaluate e?ects of particular components of the bait pellets, namely the active brodifacoum, the pyranine biomarker, and a blue dye. We found no evidence for increased snail mortality following exposure to any of these bait components. We review results of past toxicity studies on terrestrial molluscs and ?nd that, as for our own study, there is likely to be little impact of anticoagulant rodenticide on terrestrial mollusc survival as the result of application of brodifacoum bait. However, given the limited taxonomic representation in the toxicity tests performed on terrestrial molluscs so far, we recommend the continued used of captive toxicity trials to assess potential e?ect of any rodenticide applications on native malacological fauna on a case-by-case basis where large-scale eradication programmes are planned and undertaken.
Management of an invasive avian parasitic fly in the Galapagos Islands: is biological control a viable option?
Island and Ocean Ecosystems, BRB
Available Online
The bird-parasitic ?y, Philornis downsi, was ?rst recorded in the Galápagos Islands in 1964 where it likely invaded from mainland Ecuador. This muscid ?y is now the leading cause of recent declines in endemic landbird populations as its larvae feed on the nestlings of at least 19 bird species in the Galápagos, including many species of Darwin’s ?nches. As yet, no long-term control method has been implemented for P. downsi, but importation (also known as classical) biological control may be a viable option. Due to historically high-pro?le examples of biological control agents attacking non-target species, some consider biological control to be too risky to be compatible with conservation aims. However, since biosafety practices were implemented beginning in the 1990s, these risks have been drastically reduced, and biological control is now an important tool for suppressing invasive species that are di?cult to control using other means. We investigated the safety of a potential biological control agent, the parasitoid wasp, Conura annulifera, that attacks P. downsi in its native range. Here we summarise the results of a series of ?eld, laboratory and comparative studies on C. annulifera (methods and results are not reported here) and outline future directions. We used a ?eld experimental paradigm involving nest boxes baited with non-target hosts, and quarantine laboratory no-choice trials in which non-target hosts were exposed to C. annulifera. Our work to-date suggests that C. annulifera is restricted to attacking species within the genus Philornis. Furthermore, a phylogenetically controlled comparative study suggests that C. annulifera is evolutionarily constrained in its host range. These results lead us to conclude that C. annulifera demonstrates promise as an ecologically safe agent for the long-term biological control of P. downsi. Studies will now focus on an evaluation of risks to endemic and native species in the Galápagos.
Invasive species, climate change and ecosystem-based adaptation: addressing multiple drivers of global change
Climate Change Resilience, BRB
Available Online

Burglele Stanley W.


Muir Adrianna A

This report is targeted at policy-makers, particularly those responsible for developing climate mitigation and adaption strategies that address issues like conservation, ecosystem services, agriculture and sustainable livelihoods. It focuses on the primary linkages between invasive species and climate change, as well as the secondary and tertiary interactions of their corresponding impacts. Finally, the enclosed recommendations are intended to provide guidance on the best ways to integrate invasive species prevention and management into the consideration of climate change responses across a range of sectors. Building on a review of existing scientific and conservation literature (which is frequently centered on well-studied invasive species in developed countries), our research has reaffirmed that there are significant gaps and questions about the intersection of these two major drivers of change. The case studies included below highlight key relationships and questions related to invasive species, climate change and the role of ecosystem-based adaptation. The three key messages that can be distilled from this report are: 1. Climate change will have direct and second order impacts that facilitate the introduction, establishment and/or spread of invasive species. 2.Invasive species can increase the vulnerability of ecosystems to other climate-related stressors and also reduce their potential to sequester greenhouse gasses. 3.Using an ecosystem-based adaptation approach, these pressures on ecosystems and their ability to provide important services can be offset by preventing the introduction of new invasive species and by eradicating or controlling those damaging species already present.