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  • Tags / Keywords neovison vison
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Achieving large scale, long-term invasive American mink control in northern Scotland despite short term funding
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Horrill, J.


Lambin, X.


Raynor, R.

The American mink (Neovison vison) has invaded most of the United Kingdom following escapes from furfarms over decades. Its escalating impact on riparian and coastal biodiversity, including seabirds and water voles, is well documented. Starting in north-east Scotland in 2004, long-term, multi-institution mink control efforts have harnessed the enthusiasm of volunteer conservationists to push back the mink invasion over a vast area. Rather than the outcome of a single project with secured long-term funding, this achievement resulted from four successive joined up projects each with short-term funding. The beginnings of the project (2004–2006), under the auspices of the north-east Scotland Biodiversity Partnership were small scale (30 km2) and centred upon a lowland remnant water vole meta-population. Mink control efforts were scaled-up to 6,000 km2 of mostly marginal mink habitat as part of the Cairngorms Water Vole Conservation Project (2006–2009) centred on the newly established Cairngorms National Park. The project, led by the University of Aberdeen, was funded by a charity, a UK Research council and Scottish Natural Heritage and involved the national park authority, and three local fisheries trusts. The approach was to deploy a “rolling carpet” of mink control based on the use of mink rafts operated by volunteers and that facilitated mink detection and removal. Substantial funding was then secured for a successor project, the Scottish Mink Initiative (2010–2014) involving, all previous partners plus 14 local fisheries trusts coordinated by the Rivers and Fisheries Trusts of Scotland. Mink were pushed back over a vast area (29,000 km2) and their spread in coastal areas of north-west Scotland was countered. After a period with minimal bridge funding, coordinated mink control efforts resumed, thanks to the newly funded Scottish Invasive Species Initiative (2017–2021) seeking to extend the approach used with mink to other riparian invasives. Mink remain scarce or absent and water voles are recovering spectacularly. Coordinated mink control delivered tangible conservation benefits and improved understanding of the socio-ecological system despite the challenges of short-term funding.
Lessons on effectiveness and long-term prevention from broad-scale control of invasive alien species in Scotland’s rivers and lochs
Island and Ocean Ecosystems, BRB
Available Online

Horrill, J.C.


Oliver, M.K.


Stubbs Partridge, J.

Prior to 2008 there were few invasive alien species (IAS) initiatives operating in Scotland on a scale required for e?ective control. The establishment of the Biosecurity and Invasive Non-Native Species Programme by the Rivers and Fisheries Trusts of Scotland was the ?rst attempt to link local e?orts with national IAS strategy on scales appropriate to the e?ective control of target species. The programme worked with 26 local ?sheries trusts to produce biosecurity plans that covered over 90% of Scotland’s rivers and lochs. The programme implemented a range of prevention measures, including promoting awareness of invasive species issues and the need for biosecurity among water users. Projects were established for invasive plants on most major river systems, and for American mink (Neovison vison) in the north of Scotland. These projects involved public/private partnerships, using a mix of professional sta? and volunteers. Interactive data management systems were developed to manage input from a large number of individuals and to inform an adaptive management approach. These control projects demonstrated that it is feasible to reduce the size and density of target populations of invasive species across large geographic areas. The key to maintaining the momentum of this control e?ort in the future will be to demonstrate sustainable IAS management in the longer term. This challenge led to the formulation of the Scottish Invasive Species Initiative (SISI) whose overall aim is the development of a long-term, cost-e?ective strategy for IAS management throughout the north of Scotland. SISI will test strategies derived from experience and information from previous control projects. Important areas that the initiative will seek to address include de?ning outcomes, integrating IAS management into other management initiatives, and maintaining partnership interest and cohesiveness in a challenging funding environment.
The Rangitoto and Motutapu pest eradication - a feasibility study.
Available Online

Griffiths, Richard.


Towns, David.

The eradication of the seven remaining animal pest species remaining on Rangitoto and Motutapu was announced by the Prime Minister and Minister of Conservation in June 2006. With stoats, cats, hedgehogs, rabbits, mice and two species of rats spread across an area of 3842ha, the proposed project is the most challenging and complex island pest eradication the Department of Conservation (DOC) has ever attempted. To better understand the scale and complexity of the project, a feasibility study was undertaken. This study considered the ecological, economic and social context of the project to allow an informed decision to be made on whether or not to commit resources to further eradication planning. This document outlines the findings of the feasibility study and concludes that while a number of contingencies exist within the project, the proposed eradication is not only feasible, but has many significant benefits. No single precedent exists on which this project can be modelled and information from a wide range of sources has been required. Previous eradication and control programmes have been reviewed in conjunction with what is known about the behaviour and biology of the target species. In some cases, where information has not been available and could not be inferred, trials have been undertaken. The document has been reviewed by a number of experts both within New Zealand and overseas including DOC’s Island Eradication Advisory Group. Consultation has also been undertaken with all of the islands’ key stakeholders and communities of interest. Comments from all of these parties have been reflected in the report. Rangitoto is an iconic Scenic Reserve located just 9km from downtown Auckland City. The island is internationally significant both for its ecology and geology and is an extremely popular visitor destination served by regular ferry services. Motutapu, a Recreation Reserve, is connected to and positioned immediately to the east of Rangitoto. The island, currently managed as a pastoral farm, is noted for its extensive archaeological record but retains a diverse range of habitat types and is the focus of a community-led restoration programme. In addressing the question, ‘can it be done?’ particular attention has been paid to mice, ship rats, hedgehogs and rabbits as eradication of these species on the scale of Rangitoto and Motutapu has never been attempted. Preventing reinvasion on such highly accessible and intensively visited islands is also an enormous undertaking. It is accepted, that of all the target species, mice present the greatest risk of failure. However, while a number of mouse eradications around the world have failed, all ten attempts on islands beyond the swimming range of mice that have followed current Departmental best practice have been successful, providing confidence in the method. Rangitoto and Motutapu are a significant step up from previous operations in terms of scale but are also the logical next step to apply current techniques. Despite the unprecedented elements within the project, it is considered that the key dependencies on which eradication success relies can be met for the species targeted. Preventing reinvasion is perhaps the most important consideration of the feasibility study and the one that will ultimately determine the fate of the project. Achieving an adequate level of protection for the islands hinges heavily on changing the behaviour of all 100,000 visitors that arrive on an annual basis. Without this any investments made in removing pests will be wasted. Bringing these changes about appears possible but is contingent on a number of commitments and actions that must be put in place by both DOC and its key partners. The feasibility study also addresses what the project will take to complete and attempts to identify as many of the planning issues as possible to enable the project to be properly sized. It explores the techniques that must be used, the resources that will be required and the timeframe over which they need to be deployed. While this eradication project is the most challenging and complex to be undertaken by DOC, it also presents a significant opportunity to improve our current understanding of eradication theory and practice. If successful, the project offers outstanding benefits for conservation. The recovery of locally and nationally endangered species, the creation of a stepping stone for wildlife movement between the Hauraki Gulf and the Auckland isthmus, the potential for advocacy and education, and increased recreation and economic opportunities are just some of the likely gains. The study has shown that this project is feasible, but also that there are many significant reasons why it should proceed.