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Terminal evaluation of UN Environment project: Prevention, control and management on invasive alien species in the Pacific island.
Island and Ocean Ecosystems, BRB
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Thomas, Peter.

Invasive alien species represent an insidious and pervasive threat to the environmental, economic and human well-being of the Pacific islands. Pacific island ecosystems make up one of the world’s important biodiversity hotspots, with high numbers of endemic species that are particularly vulnerable to extinction due to their limited habitat and isolation.|This book is intended to serve as a practical guide, calling attention to the need to link emergencies, disasters and development, not only in policy statements, but in practical ways. The book identifies physical and social factors and processes determining disaster vulnerability and offers the reader a range of vulnerability-reduction options in development and disaster mitigation. The book covers the main relief and response technologies for a range of natural and technological disasters, and deals with community participation, health education, training and other social aspects relevant to the protection of health and the environment in emergencies and disasters.|The UNEP/GEF Prevention, Control and Management of Invasive Alien Species in the Pacific Islands project also known as the IAS project, commenced on 12 September 2012 and was due for completion on 30 September 2016, following an extension of one year. The project was designed to provide support to Pacific Island countries in their national efforts to implement the Guidelines for Invasive Species Management in the Pacific – a Pacific Strategy for managing pest, weeds and other invasive species (Tye 2009) which were developed and adopted as the regional strategic framework for invasive species management in 2009. Ten Pacific Island countries originally participated in the IAS project, these being the Cook Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Niue, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Tonga and Vanuatu. These were reduced to nine countries with the withdrawal of Papua New Guinea following the Mid-Term Review due to issues related to the country’s readiness to engage with the project. The project was therefore, responsible for delivering of support to a culturally, geographically and economic diverse set of Small Island Developing States (SIDS) spread across the vast geographical scope of the Pacific Ocean. The project was implemented by the UN Environment as the Implementing Agency (IA) and Executed by the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) as the Executing Agency (EA). In-country sub projects and activities were facilitated by National Project Coordinators and overseen by national Invasive Species Coordinating Committees. Its goal "to conserve ecosystems, species and genetic diversity in the Pacific region" is broad and aspirational and is backed by the Objective "to reduce the environmental economic and human health impacts of invasive alien species in both terrestrial and marine habitats in the Pacific region". The Project consisted of 5 core components: Building foundations for sustainable Invasive Alien Species (IAS) management by generating awareness and support, building institution and human capacity and strengthening legislation, policy and protocols. Defining problems, prioritisation and decision making by improving baseline information on IAS distribution and status, establishing systems to assess risk and prioritise action and developing or utilising effective management techniques. Taking management action through improved bio-security and border protection, direct management action through eradication and application of best practice methods and restoring ecosystems after IAS management. Undertaking effective monitoring and evaluation of the project.| Establishing effective and efficient project management and governance. This Terminal Project Evaluation is undertaken by the Evaluation Office of the UN Environment in order to assess the effectiveness of the project and its likely future impact on the state of IAS management in the region and its likely impact on invasive species and the environmental health of the participating countries. Further, the report aims to discern lessons and offers recommendations which may help improve the development and implementation of similar multi-country projects in the future both in the Pacific region and globally.
Potential public health benefits from eradicating rts in New Zealand cities and a tentative research agenda.
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Baker, Michael G.


Blaschke, Paul.


Mansoor, Osman D.


McIntyre, Mary.


Muellner, Petra.


Wilson, Nick. ? Mary McIntyre ? Paul Blaschke ? Petra Muellner ? Osman D Mansoor ? Michael G Baker

The eradication of some introduced pests such as rats, stoats and possums in New Zealand seems increasingly feasible with successful action to date in various cities (e.g. Wellington City) and with the government’s national 2050 predator-free goal. Here we specifically detail the potential benefits of urban rat eradication and find these cover a wide range of topics including a potentially reduced risk of infection from at least seven zoonotic diseases (e.g. leptospirosis, toxoplasmosis, trichinellosis, murine typhus; and three enteric diseases). Other potential benefits include: psychological benefits from increased native bird life in cities; reduced damage to food supplies; reduced rat damage to building insulation and to building walls and roofing; and reduced fires in buildings associated with rat damage. However, there is considerable uncertainty on the size of such impacts and so we outline a tentative research agenda as a first step towards quantification of the likely key public health benefits of rat eradication.
Impacts of aerial 1080 possum control operations on North Island robins and moreporks in Pureora 1997 and 1998
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Knegtmans, Jaap W.


Powlesland, Ralph G.


Styche, Andrew

This is the final report describing the results from the second and third years of a three-year programme to determine the costs and benefits of aerial 1080 possum control operations to North Island robins (Petroica australis longipes) and moreporks (Ninox novaeseelandiae) in Pureora Forest Park, North Island, New Zealand. During this study robins were individually colour-banded, and moreporks radio-tagged in both treatment and non-treatment study areas. A poison operation using carrot baits in August 1997 covered 8577 ha and incorporated the 300 ha Waimanoa study area. A poison operation using cereal baits in August 1998 covered just the 200 ha Long Ridge study area. After the 1997 operation, very few possums remained alive and rat foot-print tracking indices remained very low during the robin nesting season (September 1997 February 1998). Similarly, possum and rat population indices were much reduced after the 1998 operation, but rats and possums were found in a small portion of the study area, presumably because it did not receive baits. Following both the 1997 and 1998 poison operations, there was no significant difference in the proportion of banded robins that disappeared from the non-treatment and treatment study areas. During the 1997/98 nesting season, the nesting success of robins was significantly better in the treatment area than in the non-treatment area. One year after the poison operation (spring 1998), the robin population in the treatment area had increased by 37% on the number present just prior to the poison operation, compared with 16.3% in the non-treatment area. No radio-tagged moreporks were available in the treatment area during the 1997 poison operation, and all three radio-tagged in each of treatment and non-treatment areas were still alive two months after the poison operation in 1998.
Monitoring possum numbers following 1080 poison control at Mapara reserse

Stephens, Theo

1080 poisoned baits (Wanganui No. 7) were aerially spread throughout the three blocks of Mapara reserve in September 1990 and again in October 1991 to control possums. Changes in possum abundance were monitored by trapping, using a modified version of Seber's "removal method". A trapping method was chosen in preference to spotlight counts, bait take and pellet counts because a suitable control area, critical to these methods, was not available; traps were already in place on permanent sets; and trapping contributes to the control objective. The removal index was considered more suitable for monitoring than the simpler catch per unit effort index (number of possums caught per 3 trap-nights) because the latter is affected by variation in possum catchability, as well as possum abundance. The removal method depends on obtaining declining catches on successive nights. There is a significant risk that the method will not give a meaningful result if trapping intensity is inadequate or if nightly variation in catchability is excessive. The catch per unit effort index is still available if an abundance index based on the removal method is unobtainable. The 1990 poison operation reduced possum numbers to 21% of pre-poison abundance (95% Confidence Limits (CL) were 13.8% and 28.2%). During the following year, possum numbers built up to 39.5% (95% CL 28.7% and 50.3%) of pre-poison abundance and 1991 poison operation caused a non-significant reduction to 32.2% (95% CL 21.8% and 42.6%). Thus the September 1991 operation probably did not reduce possum densities to the level attained in October 1990. The reason for the poor kill following the 1991 poison drop is unknown, although several possibilities are identified.
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Pauline Palmas

Le chat haret est l’un des prédateurs invasifs les plus dommageables pour la biodiversité insulaire. Sa présence est associée à une perte de biodiversité sur l’ensemble des îles sur lesquelles il est établi, et où il constitue une menace pour de nombreuses espèces de vertébrés souvent endémiques et menacés. En Nouvelle-Calédoniedes populations de chats harets sont présentes dans tous les milieux et habitats et l’étude de son écologie et de ses impacts sur la faune ont fait l’objet de ce travail de thèse. L’analyse du régime alimentaire sur 14 sites d’études représentatifs des 4 habitats majeurs a révélé un régime très diversifié et une forte prédation sur les vertébrés natifs et notamment sur le groupe des scinques, des roussettes et des pétrels. Parmi les 44 espèces de vertébrés retrouvées dans le régime alimentaire de ce prédateur invasif, la plupart sont endémiques et 20 sont listées comme menacées sur la liste rouge mondiale de l’UICN. Le suivi des déplacements d’une dizaine d’individus équipés de colliers GPS au niveau d’une presqu’île de la côte ouest abritant une importante colonie d’oiseaux marins, a permis de mettre en évidence de grands domaines vitaux pour les mâles, des domaines vitaux petits pour les femelles et des patrons de déplacements importants liés aux différentes étapes du cycle reproducteur des oiseaux marins. Ces éléments, couplés aux analyses de régime alimentaire suggèrent une prédation à la fois sur les adultes reproducteurs mais également sur les jeunes oiseaux proches de l’envol, et ceci à une large échelle géographique puisque certains des chats harets concernés avaient le coeur de leur domaine vital situé à plus de 3km de la colonie. Une opération expérimentale de contrôle d’une population de chats harets a été conduite sur cette presqu’île et a montré une faible durabilité des effets de la suppression des individus sur les densités observées et une rapide recolonisation du site. Les résultats de ce travail plaident pour la mise en place de mesures de limitation des impacts occasionnés et permettent en particulier de cibler les habitats de maquis et forêt humide comme prioritaires en matière de limitation des abondances. Ces travaux nous éclairent également sur l’emprise spatiale et l’intensité des futures mesures de contrôle à conduire dans le contexte d’îles de grande superficie et fortement envahies.